The REAL Reason Why I Became a Vegetarian

All my best decisions have come in the month October...

>>October is my birthday month (OK, not MY decision... but thankful for my parents for making that one)>> I said YES to an official first date with the man who would become my husband (EIGHTEEN YEARS ago... 😱)>> We had our first baby (again, not exactly my choice but thankful it was in the BEST month of the year)>> I joined MONAT 2 years ago (and said yes to a company that has helped shaped my life for the better)>> I decided to become a vegetarian

Yup, 12 years ago, I decided to give up meat.I wish I could tell you it was for my health from the very beginning. Or at least for animal rights.But it was neither of those things...â €I was desperate for CONTROL - over SOMETHING.At the time, I was REALLY struggling with body image. I had just gotten married. I was unemployed. I was feeling pretty insignificant + less than.And what's the easiest thing to control? What I put in my body.I was in a horrible pattern/stage/whatever you wanna call it of disordered eating. I was measuring + tracking everything I put in my mouth. I was limiting my calories to 1800 or less per day. And if I went over, it was an endless cycle of self + body shaming.So, what's the best way to cut calories? By eliminating something from your diet. And that just so happened to be meat.I had just finished reading the book Skinny Bitch and while I was appalled by some of the things I read that are in our meat products + how animals are treated, it was what I felt I needed to hear to justify actually becoming a vegetarian - and give a REASON behind why, instead of just wanting to be skinnier. Sad, but true...It wasn't until I got pregnant that I was able to actually start loving my body. Because I FINALLY saw what it was capable of providing...LIFE.

>>I am still a vegetarian (a pescatarian actually - I eat fish), but now it IS for my health.>> I fuel my body appropriately (most days).>> I focus on getting enough protein, fats, and carbs in my diet on a daily basis (which is actually why I added fish back in - I NEED protein).>> I want to show my kids that you can practice balance in your nutrition - eating real, whole foods and still treating yourself 20% of the time.

It hasn't been an easy - or perfect - journey to get to this mindset. It's taken A LOT of daily effort on my part (and a lot of reminders that not running OR eating some ice cream will NOT make me fat).But, as hard as it has been to get to this point, I'm thankful for the lessons I learned from that struggle.So, cheers to 12 years of meatless eating - and hopefully many more decisions that have shaped my life + future for the better!
