It’s official…I’m halfway through my 30s now.

Yesterday, I celebrated my 35th birthday the best way I know how… waking up + running in Branson, Missouri, then spending the day with my family. It could NOT have been a better day (maybe 4 hours less in the car, but at least I got to wake up in Branson…) and I’m so thankful that God has given me another year of life!

So, I thought in honor of my 35th birthday, I would share 35 things I’ve learned in my 35th year of life. I gotta be honest though - I did not come up with this blog concept. I was editing some blog posts for a client of mine and saw her blog post just like this. Of course, with my birthday coming up, I knew I wanted to do the same thing.

(Shoutout to Emily Field RD for not only being an awesome client, but for the inspiration for this post!)


1. Although I thought I was an Enneagram 3, I am actually an Enneagram 9 - and there is absolutely no denying that fact!

2. It’s OK to not pursue certain goals - no matter how bad you want them, sometimes the timing (or the action behind it) just isn’t right.

3. I really do love a good IPA beer in the summer time - I had always thought I would only like stouts, but I was wrong.

4. I am capable of going 40+ days without sweets.

5. Rest is ESSENTIAL to my soul - I am incapable of “pushing” for days on end without a break.

6. If you don’t see me talk or post for days, I am having a mental breakdown and have said yes to too many things.

7. I avoid conflict like it’s my job - even though when I actually confront it, it’s not as bad as I thought it would be in my head.

8. An afternoon walk is good for the soul.

9. No matter how long you go without talking, a TRUE friend will ALWAYS be there for you.

10. You are going to let people down - you cannot make everyone happy.

11. If you ever get a chance, travel alone for pleasure - you will not regret it!

12. I actually am interested in politics and government more than I care to admit (thanks to Designated Survivor).

13. You CAN still make friends in your 30s.

14. It’s OK to ask for what you want - if you don’t, you’ll never get it!

15. I still LOVE snail mail - sending + receiving it!

16. If you want to call me, you are better off texting me first to ask if I’m available to talk. Otherwise, I will most likely ignore your phone call and text you to ask what you want.

17. I already compare myself to others A LOT, but if you tell me how I compare to someone else, I will shut down.

18. I am the most passive aggressive person you will ever meet. I won’t tell you that I am mad, but you will know it by my actions toward you.

19. I love a good come from behind win… I actually NEVER want to be the front runner for something.

20. Not all natural products are created equal - and it’s OK to go NOT NATURAL if it’s not working for you.

21. I HATE being thrown off my routine (but I think I’ve probably known this for a long time).

22. The BEST thing to listen to on a run is a podcast.

23. It’s OK to NOT be training for something - just because you aren’t racing, doesn’t mean you can’t run or aren’t a runner.

24. Change doesn’t always have to be bad or scary - sometimes it’s needed to get you to the next place in life.

25. I can do REALLY hard things when I have someone to keep me accountable for them.

26. Read the labels when buying your coffee so you don’t accidentally end up with decaf and don’t notice until you’ve started drinking it.

27. Integrity will win every single time. Even if it means giving up something you really, really want.

28. Dig really, really deep to figure out your why - and don’t sacrifice that for ANYTHING.

29. It might be easy to make friends, but you will also have to let friends go as well. And it will be OK - I promise. Even when it gives you massive anxiety if you ever run into them in public.

30. Starting a daily devotional plan is the best thing I have done for my faith in 35 years.

31. I will never mind eating the same thing every day for the rest of my life. As long as it involves trailmix, pizza, and beer.

32. You need more water than you think you do - 3 liters a day, otherwise you will continue to have vertigo and constant UTIs.

33. Not everyone washes their face every day. You are actually not in the norm with this if you do!

34. Your weight will fluctuate - and even if you are “heavier” than last year, it’s not about how your body looks in a swimsuit - it’s about how you FEEL on the inside.

35. The best thing I have ever done was having kids. There are days when it’s hard. There are days when I lose my sh**, but they are the one thing in my life that I can always count on to make me happy.

beauty, business, health, mom lifeComment