Letting Go Of Achieving Your Goals

If you’ve been following me for awhile, you KNOW I’m a big DREAMER.I set goals, and I chase after them. If I don’t hit them, then I try again.But recently… I let go of ACHIEVING my goals.Before you shake your head in disgust at me, hear me out.I still have BIG goals. I'm still HUNGRY for those goals. I'm still all about chasing them down.But, I've let go of the achievement aspect of it.Do you ever set a goal and then when you don't hit it, feel like a complete failure + fraud?Yup, me too.But, guess what? That's a LIE. Just bc you didn't hit a goal you worked HARD toward doesn't mean you are automatically...❌Less than❌Undeserving❌A failureI've raced A LOT in my almost 35 years of life. I've won a lot of races. I've hit a lot of PRs. But I've also NOT achieved my goal more times than I those wins and PRs. And those times I didn't hit my goal, I learned from that experience, and didn't feel any different.You see, achieving that goal is NOT going to bring you fulfillment. And if you think it is, I think you need to take a hard look at what that goal is costing you.What ACTUALLY brings you fulfillment? Achieving your goal OR the time you spend with your family?I'm still going to be hungry for those goals I have, but I know that NOT achieving them isn't going to bring me any more or less fulfillment than when I do get there.And if someone makes you feel "less than" for not achieving that goal, then maybe you need to take a hard look at who your "people" truly are too...

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