#Last90Days Challenge 2019

How are we already into the last 90 days of the DECADE?!Seriously, I can’t even believe it! So much has happened in the last decade…>> I ran a marathon (most likely my last)>> I’ve lost 2 grandparents and a dog>> I’ve had 2 babies>> We moved into a new house>> I started a new career that I have since “retired” from>> I started a blog>> I have started 4 different businesses - 2 of which are my full time career nowI mean, I think I could go on + on… it’s been 1 heck of a DECADE, that’s for sure!

With it being the last 3 months of the decade, I feel it’s only appropriate to finish off the decade with some MOMENTUM into the next one. So, I am participating for a 2nd year in Rachel Hollis’ #Last90Days Challenge.

The entire idea around the Last 90 Days concept is what if we ENDED the year the way we started it - by being INTENTIONAL around the habits we are putting into our life. EVERYDAY, we are focusing on 5 daily habits to THRIVE (called the “5 to Thrive). Many of you are probably already practicing these daily habits, but even if you are, they are a great reinforcement of being INTENTIONAL with the habits you are putting into your daily life.As you may (or may not) know, every month this year, I have focused on a different 30-day habit challenge. I truly believe habits are KEY to a purposeful + productive life, but I also believe that we need to be intentional with these habits.This month (and the next 2 months), I am going to be INTENTIONAL about the 5 to Thrive as part of the Last 90 Days challenge. OK, I know you might be thinking, “But, you already do those things!” You’re right… I do wake up early + exercise at least 30 minutes every day. But, some of these habits are easy to neglect (like my water intake), so I really want to hone in + be intentional with those habits this month + the next 90 days of the year/decade.My ultimate goal this month is to truly be INTENTIONAL about what I am putting in my body. It is SO easy for me to let my good habits slide because “I ran today,” or “I ate healthy all week.” Y’all, this is NOT good habits - and NOT good excuses either!So, my challenge for me this month - instead of eliminating a food from my diet (I eat the same thing every day pretty much) is to be REALLY INTENTIONAL with my water intake. My goal is 3 x 32 ounces daily and 2 of those must be consumed BEFORE any alcohol. I don’t drink a lot (Matt + I maybe split a beer or 2 several nights a week), but it is so easy for me to say, “Oh, this is hydrating me,” when it’s truly not!Lately, I’ve been experiencing some vertigo just out of the blue. I have low blood pressure, so I’m used to getting light headed frequently, especially from sitting to standing - but this is a whole new level. I’ll be doing nothing and all of a sudden have a dizzy spell. I truly believe this is hydration related because I will go days with only drink 32 ounce of water or less. No wonder I have frequent UTIs + now vertigo!So, that’s my October Challenge this month… being INTENTIONAL with the 5 to Thrive, with a major focus on hydration!I’d love to know - are you taking on the #Last90Days challenge?!

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