Obedience to God

Last weekend, I got to spend 3 days with my biz bestie in Nashville, Tennessee at Christy Wright’s Business Boutique conference. It was an amazing 3 days with other Christian business owners, pouring into OUR businesses! (I’d highly recommend it for all you business owners out there!)On the drive home, Kelli asked me about my biggest takeaways from the conference.You'd think after hearing Jasmine Star, Bob Goff, Christy Wright, and Dave Ramsey speak (just to name a few), I'd have some incredible, life changing takeaway.But, honestly, my biggest takeaways came from the conversations we had in the car.One in particular on obedience to God.>> What is it?>> What does it look like?>> What does it feel like?>> Am I actually practicing obedience?I've been raised knowing right from wrong, good from bad. I've always been a rule follower, a "good kid."But being good doesn't necessarily mean obedient...I honestly still don't know exactly what it looks like, or feels like, I don't necessarily "hear" God.(Christy Wright talked about hearing these "whispers" from God, and I just kept thinking, "I want THAT.")Even though I can't see God, I don't hear the whispers, I FEEL what He's leading me to do...The mom I am supposed to be.The leader He created me to become.The path He has chosen for me.After talking to Kelli + praying about obedience, God made himself known through a sign on the way home. A way for us to actually practice OBEDIENCE to Him.As Kelli said,Obedience isn't always some mythical, magical thing. You knew what God wanted you to do and you did it.Listen for the whispers. Look for the signs. And follow the path God is leading you on.- Kristen

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