triathlon training: week 3

Man, this week  flew by!  Maybe it was because of all the training I’ve been doing.  Ha!  No, but I have been trying to stay as busy as possible.  Between chiropractor visits, meeting with our loan officer, dentist appointments, cross country and volleyball practices, and just plain ol’ keeping our house put together, there hasn’t been a lot of down time.  Add training to the mix, and I really have been a busy girl.  But, that’s the way I (uh huh, uh huh) like it (uh huh, uh huh).

This past week was a repeat of my first week of training, which was sort of nice because I knew exactly what to expect.  I wish I could just keep my training at this point because it’s difficult but doable.  I’m not looking forward to longer swims, longer bike rides, and longer bricks.  But, I’m not going to get any better if I don’t push past the challenging parts, right?!



4 mile easy run

{ CrossFit }
Push Press 4x3, 65 pounds

5 rounds for time:
Front Squat 5x, 65 lbs
Burpees (lateral bar facing) 10x
Jump Rope 75x


600 yard swim
(20 minutes)

3 mile easy run


4.8 mile run (2 mile time trial + 5 hill repeats 2x through)

{ CrossFit }
Back Squats 5x3, 115 pounds

21-15-9 reps for time:
Deadlifts, 115 lbs
Bench Jumps


~11.5 mile ride on the spinning bike (hills + tabata sprints)
(45 minutes)


1,200 yard swim
(30 minutes)

4 mile easy run


Rest Day


Rest Day


My swim on Friday was probably my best one yet!  I’m feeling a lot more comfortable in the water and actually did freestyle all but 200 yards of the 1,200.  That’s quite an accomplishment for me!  Of course, there was a “swim practice” going on (I put that in quotes because it’s a 3-lane, 25-yard pool and there were 3 people practicing together), so I felt like I had to work a little harder to prove to them myself that I wasn’t totally incompetent.  It helped me push the pace a little bit too.  It was definitely the confidence boost I needed!

7 weeks to go!  Time to look for a bike!

When you workout with people who are obviously better/faster/more in shape than you, do you feel like you have something to prove?