three things thursday

1.  We had our first “major” snow last night/this morning in St. Louis.  We only got about an inch of snow, but enough to not only have several schools have snow days (not mine, of course) but to cause huge traffic delays because of the icy conditions.

2.  My morning commute that usually takes all of 35 to 40 minutes, with traffic, took me 3 hours.  This would be like driving from St. Louis to Kansas City, across the state.  My butt killed when I finally made it to school and got out of my car.  The only good part about it was that I had a chance to pump in the car.

3.  Matt’s school district was called off.  He works about 15 minutes away from home.  I work 35 minutes away and still had to go in.  How is this fair?  But, this also means it’s his first day at home with MacKenna by himself.  Hopefully she behaves herself for him!

How long was your commute this morning, or on a regular morning?  Do you have to deal with snow days where you live?


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