multitasking mama

My days are definitely different now.  Not only are they different from when I was off work with MacKenna, but also TOTALLY different from before we had a baby.  So, I thought I’d kill 2 birds with one stone and give you “a day in the life” and my What I Ate Wednesday!


3:00 AM – MacKenna wakes up for a diaper change and middle-of-the-night feeding.  While she nurses, I check my email, Twitter, and read blogs.  She eats for about 20 minutes and goes right back to sleep, thank goodness!

5:00 AM – My alarm goes off and I jump into the shower and proceed to get ready for the day.

6:00 AM – I wake MacKenna up, change her diaper and nurse her, again while reading blogs, Twitter, and checking email.  Oh, and Words with Friends.  I was way behind on games – sorry friends!

photo 1 (10)

6:30 AM – Running around frantically trying to get everything done before I need to leave.  I dress MacKenna and we open all the blinds together before I put her in the Boppy to wait for Matt to wake up.  I get her diapers out of the dryer and finish packing her diaper bag for the sitter.  Then I make smoothies for Matt + me and an English muffin with peanut butter for breakfast in the car.

photo 2 (10)

6:53 AM – Leave for work (8 minutes late) and eat my breakfast while in the car.  No spinach, so just a plain ol’ fruit smoothie.  And an empty plate that was once my English muffin.

7:30 AM – Arrive at work and get the day started.  Coffee is needed as I am exhausted!

photo 3 (8)

11:15 AM – Done with morning classes and head off to the Science closet to pump!  (Thanks Cassie!)

12:00 PM – Lunch, my favorite part of the day!  I had Mushroom + Spinach Korma leftovers and a slice of Great Harvest High 5 bread.  It supposed to look like this, but (1) I forgot to take a picture and (2) it definitely didn’t look like that.

Picture of Mushroom and Spinach Korma Recipe

2:30 PM – Done with afternoon classes early (no 6th grade today because they have choir) and time for my snack!  Goldfish crackers with raw almonds while I work on typing up letters for Jump Rope for Heart + Go Red for Women coming up next month.

photo 4 (6)

3:30 PM – Leave work and pump in the car while talking to my mom.  (Safe, right?!)  Multitasking at it’s finest. 

4:05 PM – Arrive at home, change clothes, and go run.  A  nice easy 3 miles on a beautiful January afternoon!  Averaged 8-minute miles!  Woo!  Also got a honk from Matt + MacKenna on their way home from the babysitter.

4:45 PM – Mommy + MacKenna time!  Dinner was supposed to be in the crockpot, but Matt mistakenly unplugged it thinking it was the toaster (the toaster was too hot for me to put away before I left, but I had already unplugged it).  So, Matt got to make dinner tonight, while a very sleepy MacKenna slept in my arms as I blogged.

6:00 PM (sharp) – Dinner is served.  Vegetarian creamy split pea soup with a slice of Great Harvest High 5 bread again (was what it was supposed to be) Homemade baked egg rolls with quinoa.  (We’ll have soup tomorrow!)

photo 1 (11)

photo 2 (11)

6:30 PM – Once the dishes are finished, I get to play some more with MacKenna!  This is by far the best part of my night and the only time I really get to “relax”.  I eat a little dessert of jelly beans, peanut butter M&M’s, and chocolate covered pretzels while I stand + rock MacKenna and watch Desperate Housewives.

photo 3 (9)

photo 4 (7)

7:30 PM – Bath time!  I don’t know why, but I love giving her a bath!  She is so much fun to watch!  I don’t think she loves bath time yet, but she starting to kick and splash (accidentally) a little bit more.

7:45 PM – Last feeding of the day with MacKenna.  Usually, I read her a book, say our prayers, and rock her a few minutes before putting her in her crib after she finishes.  But, my mom came over tonight, so she got to hold her before putting her to bed.

8:45 PM – Make breakfasts and lunches for tomorrow and stick them in the fridge.  Pack my school bag + breast pump bag, put away dishes and straighten up the kitchen a little bit.

9:20 PM – Finish blogging. ;)

10:00 PM – Get ready for bed and watch the news while in bed, trying to keep my eyes open.

Rinse and repeat!  My days are definitely full and busy now, but I kind of like it that way.  My only wish is to have more time to spend with MacKenna, but I definitely don’t take for granted those few hours we do have together!

Happy Wednesday!

What ways do you multitask?  I save so much time by eating breakfast and pumping in the car!


Only a few more days to vote for Kolby + Melissa’s (couple #3) dream wedding!  Feel free to tweet the link to all your followers too!  We want them to win!

And happy DUE DATE to my BFF Julie!  Send good labor + delivery vibes her way… she’s been having contractions since before Christmas!  CRAZY!  Come on, Molly!  We’re all waiting for your arrival! :)
