my no plan training plan

Every race I’ve trained for in the past, I’ve mapped out a training plan far in advance.  I like direction in pretty much everything I do, so I tend to use pre-written training plans, usually a Hal Higdon plan.  I absolutely love knowing exactly what workout I’m doing every day for the duration of my plan.  It keeps my stress levels down and I ultimately know that I’ll be completely prepared for my race in the end.

However, this year I wanted to try something different.  I tend to get bored very easily.  For example, I sang my praises for New Rules of Lifting for Women last week.  Yet, this week, I was craving something different and incorporated a few CrossFit workouts instead of the NROLFW plan.  I need a bit of variety in my life to keep me motivated.

As I train for the half marathon in April, I’ve decided to follow a “no plan” training plan.  Instead of mapping out my workouts for the next 4 months, I am going to be planning my workouts on a weekly basis, allowing much more flexibility in my plan – something that seems to be a reoccurring theme in my life these days.

There are 3 workouts that I must include each week because I feel they are the most important workouts if I want to achieve my training goals of increasing my speed + endurance.  Each week must include 1 speed workout (intervals, repeats, hills, etc.), 1 tempo run, and 1 long run.  Three workouts minimum each week.  By only including 3 essential workouts, I take a lot of stress off myself with my training.  Since I am much busier with work + being a mama, I know that it’s going to be a little bit harder to train like I used to.  If my schedule permits, I’ll still run 5 days a week, adding in 2 easy runs ranging from 3 to 5 miles, but I know that this won’t always be possible.  As long as I get those 3 essential runs in, I will be happy.

Here’s an example of what my week might look like:









easy run

speed workout

easy run + lift


long run

tempo run


I’m excited to have a bit more variety in my workouts and to really plan my workouts to be what I like to do, instead of a cookie cutter plan that might not be the best for me.  While my goal is not to PR in April, I hope that I will at least get my speeds to where they used to be and hope to PR in the fall.

Do you use pre-written training plans like Hal Higdon or Runner’s World?  Have you ever made your own training plan?

And can you help me stay motivated to do NROLFW?  Right now, it’s just way too easy for my liking, but hopefully I’ll get passed that!


This is the LAST WEEKEND to vote for Melissa + Kolby.  PLEASE take some time to vote today, Saturday, and Sunday!  They deserve this dream wedding!
