things i’m loving

Apparently, this is the week of confessions because I have another one for ya’ll today.  Pregnancy has made me extremely lazy.  OK, well, maybe not lazy, but I have absolutely no motivation to do any cooking, baking, or ice cream making in the kitchen recently.  My busier-than-normal schedule lately hasn’t been helping, even though I still get home before most people get off work.  But, as soon as my rear hits the sofa, it is pretty difficult to peel me up from that spot.

So, even though I would absolutely LOVE to have a recipe for you today, I don’t.  I did make an appetizer for family get-togethers this weekend, but it’s not really recipe worthy.  I do have 4 overripe bananas waiting to be used at home, so I might make something tonight if I feel motivated.  But, really, I’m just too exhausted by the time I get home to really do anything.

Instead, I’m going to give you some things that I have been loving lately!

1.  Quaker Oatmeal Squares Cereal.  I am starting to think this is the best cereal ever made.  I have a slight addiction to cereal.  Dry cereal.  Yes, I eat cereal with milk, but I would so much rather have it dry.  And Oatmeal Squares (specifically the maple ones) are the perfect dry cereal snack.


2.  Eggs.  I really don’t even like eggs on a regular basis.  I hardly ever buy them and am extremely picky about how they are cooked.  My favorite are poached eggs, but with the issue of salmonella possibly hurting my baby, I’m too nervous to actually eat them (I did get the OK from my uncle to eat them, but I am still a bit nervous to).  Instead, I have been eating a hardboiled egg in my salad everyday, and I’ve actually been eating school’s scrambled eggs (when they don’t look questionable) in the mornings they are on the menu.  I seriously want them for every meal.  Thank goodness Matt is a master frittata maker!


3.  Jelly Beans.  These are really the only sweets I have been craving lately.  I bought Matt some Starburst Jelly Beans a month or two ago, and they’ve just been sitting in our pantry waiting to be eaten.  In the past week, I have almost polished off the bag.  My next bag will be Trader Joe’s natural jelly beans, as long as they still have them!


4.  Date Nights.  After finding out we were expecting, we have tried to make it a point to go on a date almost once a week, but with track season in full swing, it’s been more like once a month or every other week.  We have had LOTS of sushi since the beginning of Lent due to Matt’s Catholicism and our mostly Friday night dates.  But, I am hoping we will be able to hit up some other places, hopefully with outdoor seating if the weather decides to stop raining for about 2 seconds.  Geez.

5.  Comments!  Now, I’m not actually asking you to comment on my blog, but the ones I have gotten recently have been awesome!  I received one from an Andy’s Frozen Custard employee last week, and just yesterday, I got one from the Fritsche’s!  So cool to see people finding my blog!  I know I’m still a teeny tiny blog in a big blog world, but it’s still exciting to get comments from places and blogs I love!

And on that note, after this week, my nights + weekends shouldn’t be nearly as busy.  So, if you have a recipe request or flavor suggestion for ice cream (I know I haven’t made any in ages), I would love to hear it!  My pregnancy brain is lacking in the creative department – I could use some help for sure!

What are you loving lately?
