baby bump: week 16

I’m so excited to be starting month 5 of pregnancy!  I know I really didn’t know I was pregnant until a month in, but these past 4 months have really flown by!  It seems crazy to me that I am just a few weeks away from being at my halfway point!  Only 3 more weeks until finding out if Baby Bug is a boy or girl!

I get asked a lot what I am hoping to have.  I have to admit that since the beginning, I have had a gut feeling that we are having a girl, but this past week, I am starting to think it just might be a boy – so really, I have no clue!  What I do know is that we want a healthy baby regardless of gender.  I am already so in love that it doesn’t matter to me either way!

I also have to tell you guys the cute things Matt has been doing lately.  He showers in the evening and I shower in the morning.  Our bathroom steams up like nobody’s business, and lately, he has been using that as an opportunity to leave me and the baby little love notes on the mirror.  Last week, it was “I love you, baby (+ baby)” with a little hand-print baby foot.  And this morning I discovered 2 more little baby feet on the mirror.  Seriously, Matt is going to be such an awesome dad since I already know what an amazing husband he is!

16 Week Milestones
Unfortunately, I don’t get to report that I felt any baby kicks or flutter this week, so I’m pretty bummed about that.  But, hopefully soon.  I am dying to feel Baby Bug inside of me!  I think that’s just the reassurance I need that everything is still going good in there!

My big milestone this week was having my first baby shower.  Well, it wasn’t just my baby shower.  There are 4 of us at school who are pregnant:  one due in June, one in August, one in September, and then me in October.  So, the staff decided to throw us all one big shower together before the end of the school year.  It was a wonderful shower with a staff that I love.  Even my teaching partner, pretty much the only male teacher in the school, came for a little while.  I feel so blessed to work with such wonderful people!


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Which brings us to…

Baby Bump Pic of the Week
All 4 pregnant gals together.  It’s so funny seeing the differences in belly sizes.  Obviously, mine looks pretty non-existent standing next to someone 8 months pregnant.


From the left:  due in September, due in August, due in October, due in June

There are already 2 baby girls on the way, and one more will find out on Monday!  So happy that I have other preggo girls to talk to about and get advice from!  Can’t wait until I’m as big as all 3 of them!
