Tattooed + Blonde

Officially tattooed + blonde, and I. Am. OBSESSED.Sometimes you gotta make changes on the OUTSIDE to reflect what's happening on the INSIDE.I've been going through a major period of transition + growth, stepping into the LEADER, the WOMAN, I've always known I was meant to be.That woman is⚡️FEARLESS⚡️BOLD⚡️CONFIDENT⚡️BRAVEAnd I wanted that change I was feeling inside to reflect on the outside.Sure, changing your hair color or getting a tattoo seems sorta, well, BOLD, but both felt RIGHT.Here’s what I did to make the changes both inside + out...>> I became extremely self-aware so I could prevent + redirect when I was going into an unhealthy state.I feel like I talk about the enneagram all the time, but you guys… knowing my enneagram has been the main tool that has helped me figure out the steps that I need to take and why I do certain things.As an enneagram 9, I tend to be apathetic and want to stay in a state of peace. Sometimes I find myself getting complacent, and well, complacency doesn’t lead to growth.It’s definitely a work in progress, but really diving in deep to knowing WHO I am and what makes me, well, ME, has helped me so much in my own personal growth.>> I got comfortable with being uncomfortable.Again, hello enneagram 9… 9s are the peacemakers. We LOVE to be comfortable. But, comfort doesn’t lead to GROWTH. Every time I have gotten super uncomfortable, guess what happened?I’ve upleveled. It SUCKS. It’s HARD. But, it’s TOTALLY WORTH IT in the long run!>> I worked on ME daily.I start my day by listening to a personal development or business podcast. I write affirmations daily. I have sticky notes on my closet mirror to remind me what I’m working toward. I journal. I reflect. I have reminders on my phone.I am CONSTANTLY working on me and my belief in myself. My biggest WHY right now in my life is proving to myself just how capable I really am of achieving my goals. I don’t need to prove it to anyone else. I don’t need anyone’s permission. I want to prove to myself that I am capable and WORTHY of my goals + dreams.>> I found things that worked for me.Like my stylist says, blonde is a process. It didn’t happen overnight. It’s been a transition period in a lot of different ways, but I had to find the things that worked for me.On the outside, I found an AMAZING stylist who helped me achieve the level of blonde I was after. She walked me through the process, asked me questions, and made me feel incredibly confident in not only myself, but in her ability to get me to where I wanted to go. (If you’re in the St. Louis area, go see Caitlin at Jon Tomas Salon - you won’t regret it!)And of course, to keep my blonde, well, blonde, you know I have amazing products that helped me achieve that look! My hair is healthier than ever and I NEVER would have decided to go blonde (again) had I not had these hair products in my life.On in the inside, I’ve had to find new things that worked for me. Like I said, it’s been a transition period. I’ve found a new mentor. I’ve found new business friends who help me get to that next level. I’ve established new daily routines and really honed in on where I am going with this blog + business.All I can say, is that it’s WORKING for ME.Growth + change don't have to be scary. It's just one step in the right direction of who you were meant to be.

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