You’re Missing the Signs

Are you looking for signs but not seeing them?⠀⚡️NEWSFLASH⚡️You might be looking for the wrong ones.⠀I'm a big believer in signs. I feel like I'm always praying for God to show me the path I'm supposed to take.⠀The last few weeks I've been praying for God to show me a sign that I was going to hit this big goal I was going for. This is pretty typical for me. In fact, in January 2018, I prayed that God would show me a sign for the path I was supposed to take for my business. And I could SEE them. I was dreaming about it, I was having things show up in my life that just lead me to believe that I was making a decision that was leading me down the right path.This past month, I was going for a big goal with my shampoo partnership. I was going for a rank that would make me an Emerging Founder in the company as well as give me my first month of qualification toward a free Cadillac. I was excited, especially after a pretty crappy June.My numbers were great all month. I was on a path to hit this goal. My team was on FIRE and were doing incredible things - things we haven’t done as a team in over 6 months! I just KNEW this was going to happenAs we got closer to the end of the month, I started asking God to show me a sign that this was going to happen. I mean, surely it was. Surely, He wanted this as much as I did. Surely, He didn’t lead me in this business for me NOT to hit this goal that I wanted.I looked EVERYWHERE for signs. But, I didn’t see them.Turns out, I wasn’t looking for the RIGHT signs. God was showing me signs EVERYWHERE - and He had been for months. I was just so focused on MY vision + MY goals, I forgot that I, in fact, am not in control of this life.⠀Of course, in hindsight, I see them plain as day. In the books I was reading. In the people I was talking to. In things I was hearing on the radio.The path that I wanted to take was NOT the path God wanted me to follow.⠀Friend, I want to remind you that WE are NOT in control. We will have our time, but in HIS time - NOT OURS.He is never early.He is never late.He is ALWAYS on time.⠀I hope this brings you some encouragement this week. YOU have a purpose on this planet. Trust in God and He will show you the way every time.

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