take your running to the next level

Do you have BIG goals for 2017?  Are you looking to BQ, set a new PR, or just get faster overall?  Are you looking for a plan that not only spells out what you need to be running every day but also strength training AND an easy to follow nutrition program that doesn’t restrict you from the foods you LOVE?
If that sounds like YOU, then I have two PERFECT programs that can help get you through the holidays, start 2017 as a faster runner, and help you achieve those racing goals for 2017!  And right now, I am offering 15% off BOTH programs through Friday, November 25th!
The HIIT for Runners Program includes:
  • 4 to 5 days of strength training workouts with my personal guidance on how to fit them into your current training plan.  Exercises are appropriate for runners of all ages and sizes and modifications will be included for those individuals who need lower impact workouts.
  • A 3-week running plan to help you kick off your training or help you bust through a plateau.
  • An extensive workbook to support you in your running and help you with my easy-to-follow nutrition program.
  • A supportive and motivational online community to help keep you accountable during the 3-weeks and beyond.
  • Daily motivation, tips, and personal support from a certified strength and conditioning specialist and running coach!

The 3-week HIIT for Runners Program begins Monday, December 5th - the perfect program to get you through the holidays and starting 2017 as a stronger, leaner, and FASTER runner!the-concrete-runner-more-information

The Spring Training Program includes:
  • A complimentary, no-obligation goal setting call to discuss your training goals
  • A customized training program based on your individual running goals that will help you run your best + strongest for you spring GOAL race
  • Weekly HIIT workouts to help make you stronger + faster, with exercises that can be modified for beginner and advanced levels
  • An easy-to-follow nutrition program that will help you run your strongest and develop healthy, maintainable habits
  • Accountability and motivation in a supportive community to keep you on track to accomplish your training goals
  • Daily motivation, tips, and accountability from an experienced running coach
  • Unlimited email access to an experienced running coach, as well as monthly one-on-one phone/video calls to help you be successful in your training!
The 16-week Running Program will start on Monday, January 16th.  This is the perfect program for runners with a BIG GOAL in mind this coming spring or need more accountability and guidance with their training and nutrition program!  It's definitely a program that will help you reach those goals in 2017!
Spots are limited in both programs, so don't delay in registering!
Here is what some of my runners are saying about their time training with me: