november miles: week 3
After being out of town the past 2 weeks, it was so nice to get to relax on Friday night (watching Dateline - OMG, if you aren't up-to-date on the Faria/Hupp case, you need to watch it - it's INSANE and all went down not far from where we live) and wake up well rested on both Saturday and Sunday mornings to get in my runs. We finally broke out of the warm weather pattern we've been in for the past few months and the temps actually got down to where they should be. I still have yet to turn on the heater - I've been spending my mornings after my runs sitting in front of the fireplace - and I'm still running in shorts. I hate running in pants and even tights (they don't stay up!), so I'm trying to run in shorts as long as I can stand it. Ha! It was 10 degrees colder on Sunday than Saturday (25 vs. 35), but I felt warmer on Sunday just because there was no wind! We will see how long I last - it'll be a little different with my EARLY weekday runs, but I only have to worry about ONE of those this week! WOOHOO for Thanksgiving!Anyway, it was another good week of workouts. I'm still trying to adjust to the colder weather, but by the end of the week, I think my body was actually really LIKING the cold weather. I much prefer the cold over the hot weather.Monday: Squat Cleans 5 x 5 @ 55 lbs
AMRAP in 10 minutes:Sit-Ups 20xHang Cleans 10xTuesday: 5K @ 85% 5K pace w/ 3 x 400 in the middle (3.19 miles @ 7:56/mile)Tabata SquatsAMRAP in 4 minutes of Sit-UpsWednesday: 3 rounds:Run 500mKB Swings 25xBox Jumps 25x(0.96 miles)Thursday: 6 x 800 w/ 600 recoveries (5.71 miles @ 7:53/mile)Friday: AMRAP in 15 minutes:Run 500mSquats 25xBox Jumps 25xSit-Ups 25xSaturday: 4 miles @ 85% 5K pace (4.01 miles @ 7:39/mile)Sunday: 5K @ 80% 10K pace (3.07 miles @ 7:35/mile)Weekly Total: 18.08 milesNovember Miles: 53.13 milesYear-to-Date: 1079.76 miles**********Do you have big goals for 2017? Now is the time to really start thinking about your running + racing goals for next year and start laying out that race schedule. Those spring races will be here before you know it and I want to help YOU get 2017 started on the right foot!My Spring Training Program begins January 16th and will include:
- A customized training program based on your individual running goals that will help you run your best + strongest for you spring GOAL race
- Weekly HIIT workouts to help make you stronger + faster, with exercises that can be modified for beginner and advanced levels
- An easy-to-follow nutrition program that will help you run your strongest and develop healthy, maintainable habits
- Accountability and motivation in a supportive community to keep you on track to accomplish your training goals
- Unlimited email access and daily motivation, tips, and accountability from an experienced running coach
- Monthly one-on-one phone calls to trouble shoot and adjust your program as needed
- My 30-Day HIIT for Runners Program to help get you started right away and to use in the future (a $30 value)