the-concrete-runner-monthly-milesUgh.  This past week was definitely NOT my week.  It all started a week ago last Sunday. My nose was feeling a little stuffy and I told Matt before going to bed that I was NOT going to get sick.  I started to progressively feel worse on Monday, so I made a quick stop to Walgreens to pick up some cold medicine.Tuesday, I woke up feeling even worse and made sure to take medicine every 6 hours or so.  I was really nervous since we were scheduled to do our annual all-school Turkey Trot that day.  I've been talking myself up to my students since they all think they can beat me.  I knew that the sinus infection I felt getting worse was not going to help me beat a bunch of middle school boys.  I started to feel better after lunch and went out after work with some friends for a drink.  By the time I left, I knew that it was going to be a rough night and called Matt to tell him I probably should not go to his cross country banquet, which is something I always look forward to.Sure enough, by the time I got home, I was in full blown chills and ready to just pass out on the couch.  Matt took Kenna, so I turned on some Blaze and Thomas on TV so that I could rest on the couch.  I got up only a handful of times to make Miles dinner and give him more food, but after I put hime to bed at 8, I was down for the count.  I ended up going to bed with a 101-degree fever and feeling just awful.Thankfully, I woke up feeling much better Wednesday morning, but not quite 100%.  I ended up taking the day off and enjoyed some time at Starbucks chatting with my favorite run coaching mentor, followed up by a 60 minute message by my AMAZING massage therapist.The rest of the week was on + off feeling good and bad.  I survived the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving (more on that next week) and Thanksgiving dinner with my family, but most of the break I was just not feeling 100%, and am hoping to be feeling better SOON.  Sinus infections freaking SUCK and I hate going to the doctor, mostly because I feel like it's a waste of my time because I know it's a sinus infection and I just need them to write me a prescription.  Such a waste of my time.Needless to say, not much running happened last week.  It was probably one of my lowest mileage weeks since last summer when I took an entire week off.  Luckily, I'm technically not training for anything right now, so a few extra days of rest is definitely not a big deal, and probably better since I am actually listening to my body instead of forcing it to do something it really doesn't want to do.Monday:  Push-Press 5 x 5img_86317 rounds:Sumo-Deadlift High Pull 7xFront Squat 7xPush-Press 7xTuesday:  6 x 400 w/ 200 recoveries (3.19 miles @ 8:01/mile)Wednesday:  OFFThursday:  Turkey Trot 5K (3.14 miles @ 6:48/mile)Friday:  OFFSaturday:  5 miles @ 85% 5K pace (5.11 miles @ 7:55/mile)Sunday:  OFFTotal Weekly Miles:  11.44 milesTotal November Miles:  64.57 milesYear-to-Date:  1091.2 miles


Do you have BIG goals for 2017?  Do you feel like you need help staying accountable for your workouts + nutrition during the holiday season?

If you are thinking about a BQ or PR during 2017, don't wait to start getting faster until the new year!  By joining my 3-week HIIT for Runners program, I can help you get FASTER before Christmas!

This 3-week bootcamp will provide you with strength workouts you can do from home in 20-minutes or less, a 3-week running plan, and an easy-to-follow nutrition guide to help you achieve those racing + training goals before the new year!
