so you want to run a 5K…

Happy March 1 to everyone!  Ah, March… the start of spring is upon us.  Not only that, but the start of the Girls on the Run St. Louis season has officially begun!  I was fortunate enough to be asked to coach the GOTR program at my school – an offer I just couldn’t refuse!  After running the Girls on the Run 5K in November, I was looking for a way to get involved a little more.  Luckily for me, my school was looking for a new head coach!

GOTR_logo [image source]

Our first practice was yesterday and it went great!  I only have 5th grade girls out there (the program is open for girls in grades 3 to 5) and a very small team, but I can already tell we’re going to have a blast this season!

One thing that I wanted to change about my school’s program was teacher/staff participation.  Since I know the staff VERY well (shoot, we work together!), I wanted to reach out and get them involved.  And what better way than having them train to run the 5K in May with their students! 

So, I am now reaching out to the rest of my readers (which I think is mostly my family and coworkers anyway).  My blog is not only devoted to my love of frozen custard, but also maintaining an active + healthy lifestyle.  I know not everyone out there is a runner, but I also know it is a great and easy way to start getting active.  Plus, since it is now March, warmer weather is just around the corner, so getting outside a few days of week to walk or run will just make enjoying the weather even better!

Therefore, I am challenging YOU to sign up for a 5K (or any other race you wish).  If you are in St. Louis, it would be awesome to have a ton of people out at Forest Park for the GOTR 5K on May 15.  (Note:  the race is not open for registration yet, but I PROMISE I will let you know when it is!)  If you don’t live in St. Louis, find another race to run or walk.  Just GET OUT THERE!

Here are a few plans to get you off the couch, out the door, and running OR walking your first 5K:

Couch to 5K Training Plan (aka C25K) – This is a great one to follow if you are not a runner but would like to become a runner.  I consider anyone who runs regularly a runner.  I don’t care if you run a 5 minute mile or a 12 minute mile.  If you are running, YOU ARE A RUNNER.

Hal Higdon’s Fitness Walking 5K Plan – If you just don’t think you’re cut out for running, walking is a great way to get active.  All you need are your own 2 feet – shoes optional!  This will get you walking your first 5K.  LOTS of people walk 5K’s, so don’t think you’ll be the only one out there walking!

GOTR 5K Training Plan – There are 4 different levels to choose from with this:  walking, walk-run, run-walk, and running.  Perfect for any ability!  Plus, it’s a GOTR program anyway, so you KNOW you’ll be able to finish that 5K!

I hope this is the push you need to get you to the starting line of your 1st (or 50th) 5K!  I would love to hear if you start following one of these plans and if you are interested in running on May 15!  We would LOVE to have you out there!  Or, if you’re running a different 5K, let me know… maybe I’ll run that one with you!
