frozen custard friday: fritz’s

Welcome to our new feature:  Frozen Custard Friday!  Every Friday we will share a new dessert, custard stand, recipe, etc.  Something to keep us entertained and to bring you a bit more content to get you ready for the weekend.

I had a free mini concrete burning a hole in my pocket, so Fritz’s was the obvious choice.  (What can I say… I’m a cheap date!)


Since this is obviously not the first time we have been to Fritz’s, I’ll let the custard do most of the talking.


100_3942My Mint Chip concrete (or as it is now being called, the Irish Concrete) – creme de menthe + chocolate morsels/chunks in very creamy vanilla custard.


Matt’s Caramel Crunch sundae – vanilla custard with caramel, pecans + hard shell chocolate on top.

Mmmm… ice cream makes everything better…