The Secrets of Success
A few weeks ago, I was asked to go on a last minute retreat in Nashville to spend some time masterminding (is that even a word?!) with some of the top leaders on my team. I can honestly say that it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life - and I know God definitely had a hand in me being there. Because I wasn’t supposed to be there… I didn’t EARN or deserve to be there. But somehow, someway, God knew it was exactly what I needed.Anyway, I digress…I was sharing my experience while I was there on social media and I was randomly asked, “What did you do to be so successful?”WHOA. That question really took me off guard because, first of all, the majority of the time, I don’t feel like I am all that successful at what I’m doing. I’ve been at this business for 15 months + a fulltime entrepreneur for 9 of those 15 now, and I feel like I’ve been stuck for A LOT of that time. Seriously, I’ve been working toward the same goal for about a year now, and a lot of times it feels like it’s never going to happen.And secondly, I honestly don’t feel like I have a true answer to that. Like what makes me more successful than someone else who is nothing like me? I’m not sure I can actually answer that since I feel like success looks so different to each individual person. While I don’t feel like I’m successful because I’m not where I want to be, someone else looks at me as successful because I AM where THEY want to be.So, I wanted to share some “secrets” to being successful… But, please note, these are not hard + fast rules. These are just things that I see successful people do on the regular, including myself. And the ONE THING that I am learning is the TRUE key to success in every avenue of life.1. Be consistent.We talk about consistency A LOT on our team, but this is the one thing that I see separates people who get to where they want to go from the people who give up along the way. No matter what goal you are pursuing in your life, if you don’t work toward it with CONSISTENCY, you’re going to keep starting over… over and over again.Look, let’s be real here… success is not a linear path. You are going to have ups + downs no matter what goal you are going after. Some days, you are going to feel on top of the world, confident that you can conquer the world! And other days are going to be a sh*t show. You’re going to want to sleep in instead of going to get your workout in. You’re going to want to eat all the cookies instead of staying on track with your goal. You’re going to want to QUIT when it gets hard.DON’T.Sleep in. Eat the cookies. Have a good cry. But, DON’T GIVE UP. Just because something is HARD doesn’t mean it’s not possible. It just means that you have to figure it out, how do you get past that roadblock to get to the other side. And the biggest thing I can tell you is to just keep showing up. Keep doing what you know you have to do. And eventually, you’re going to get to the other side.I’ve climbed five 14,000+ mountains in the last 10 years, and the one thing I can tell you is that you’re never going to get to the top if you stop. KEEP MOVING FORWARD.2. Be coachable.While we were in Nashville, one of the most life changing things we went through was what we call a “support circle.” We sat in a circle for 4+ hours, talking about the things we needed support on in our business. A lot of it was mindset related, but the one thing I saw each person (there were 17 of us) do was accept feedback from other people. They never got defensive, they never tried to make an excuse. They listened and took in what other people had to say.It is SO easy to get defensive when people are trying to correct us or tell us how to do something differently - or call us out on something. Being defensive is EASY… ACCEPTING feedback is HARD. We don’t want to be told what we’re doing wrong or what we can do differently. But, sometimes we just need to hear what someone else is saying from an outside source in order for us to really get to that next level of success.Be coachable. Really LISTEN to what someone is trying to help you with. It could be exactly what you need to hear…3. Success isn’t about what you need to DO, it’s about who you need to BE.The one thing that I keep hearing over and over again lately is IDENTITY. I’ve talked in the past about how I’ve really been struggling with this lately. I mean, I have gone through a gauntlet of changes this past year, so it’s not wonder that I’m trying to figure how who I am in the midst of all these changes.And as much as I DO to be successful - show up consistently, continue learning, accepting feedback - it’s not about what I DO…… It’s about who I show up as.Am I showing up as a girl who doesn’t believe she can get to where she is going? Am I being PRESENT with my family when I am with them? Am I confident in what I’m doing? Do I really believe I am meant for this world?Here’s the deal… if I am showing up like the girl I was yesterday, I’m never going to BE the girl I want to be tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year.Here’s a simple exercise for you: Write down who you want to BE one year from now. Like, EVERYTHING. What does her day look like? When does she wake up? How does she show up for her workouts? For her family? For her job? How does she talk? What does she like?This is YOUR version of success. Now, go show up as HER. Every day. Remind yourself what that woman (not girl) does and do that everyday.Because success is NOT about what you DO, it’s about who you need to BE.
And if you’re curious to hear my success story in this business, I want to personally invite you to join me TODAY at 11AM CST to an event I am hosting for our team! I will be chatting more about how I was able to use this business to quit my full time job to have the freedom + flexibility I was after (my version of success) in my life, as well as more about this amazing company and the products that not only changed my HAIR, but my life as well!Click here and type in INVITE and I will personally invite you to the event! And if you can’t join me live, I would be happy to send you the replay!