3 Ways to Overcome Setbacks

I just had the opportunity to talk to my team about this, so while it’s fresh on my mind, I figured I’d share with you all about how to overcome setbacks.But, first… let me give you a little bit of backstory…As many of you know, I’ve been self-employed for about 9 months now - which honestly just seems crazy! Like totally a dream still. I am constantly asking myself, “How is this my life?”But, if I’m completely honest with you, it hasn’t been an easy road. There has been A LOT of uncertainty, which truly just comes with the territory, and A LOT of setbacks. There are days when I have to ask myself if I’m truly meant to do this. Is this all going to work out? Did I make a huge mistake by doing this?So, yes… I question my sanity + my ability A LOT. Especially when things seem super hard.Before I go into some tangible tips for you, I want you to know something…SETBACKS ARE INEVITABLE.No matter what you are doing in your life - whether you work fulltime, are in business for yourself, are on a health or fitness journey, are training for your first or fastest race, or are a parent - you are going to face setbacks. Not just one. Not just once in a blue moon. OFTEN.Last week, I told you to lower your expectations with what you can get done in a day… this week, I just want to SET the expectation. You will face a setback, no matter what you are chasing after.So, now that you know that, hopefully you won’t be caught off guard when one does happen. But, I also want to give you some tangible tips that will help you overcome that setback.1. Find a positive affirmation and repeat it OFTEN. We talk down to ourselves a lot. If you think about what you say to yourself on a daily basis, would you say that to your best friend? Your mom? Your kids? Chances are, the words we speak to ourselves our worst enemy wouldn’t even say to us.How do we change that behavior? Positive affirmations. What’s the one thing that gets you caught up frequently? For me, it’s self-doubt. When something hard comes up, I feel like it’s the end of the world. Like I don’t have the tools or experience or whatever is necessary to get past that roadblock. But, when I think back to the last time I was faced with something hard and felt like it was the end of the world (I’m not dramatic AT ALL…), I remind myself that I’m still here. I’m still standing. Everything works out.My mantra is, “I’ve always figured it out, and I always will.” When I was facing some of the deepest depression in my life, somehow, some way, I was able to get out of it. I’m still here. I figured it out. Maybe it took me longer than I would have liked, but I figured it out. And no matter what is thrown at me in the future, I will ALWAYS figure it out. It might be hard + it might suck, but I’ll ALWAYS figure it out.2. Find your support system. And by system, I mean multiple people who can help you in all sorts of different situations. When I need an outsiders opinion on my business, my husband is my go-to person. When I’m stressing out about my clients, my business bestie helps talk me off a ledge. When I need someone to give me a kick in the rear to do the things I know I’m meant to do (or need to do for that matter), it’s my friend who understands my business but my business doesn’t affect him. I have a team who is there to believe in me + empower me. I have my family who supports me no matter what (even though they might think I’m crazy).All this to say is you need to have people in place that you can talk to who are going to tell you what you need to hear. Who love you regardless of your decision. Who keep you accountable for your actions. You’ve gotta have those people in place.3. Unless it’s bad for your health, DON’T GIVE UP. I honestly hate saying that because I think it sounds like you have to keep on going no matter what, but unless you are in a toxic relationship, or are facing serious health consequences (illness, injury, mental health, etc.), keep on going. Look for the signs. I’m a big believer in signs and following the path God is leading me on. And when I trust Him, guess where He leads me? To where I’m supposed to go. To keep moving forward, even when it’s hard. Even when I want to quit. Keep looking to God and He will show you where to go and what to do.Yes, it will be hard.Yes, it might take you longer than you’d like.But, be resilient, persevere, and I know you’ll find yourself somewhere you have only dreamed about.
