4 Things I’ve Learned from Selling Shampoo

As many of you know, my path has changed pretty drastically in the past year. Just a year ago, I was working full time as a middle school physical education teacher, commuting an hour a day, and running 3 different businesses (run coaching, my VA agency, and network marketing). Since then, I’ve not only been able to quit my full time job and become a full time entrepreneur and work-at-home mama, but I’ve completely dissolved my run coaching business. Not because I didn’t love it or coaching or running, but because I realized my purpose was a lot bigger than that.You see, I LOVE helping people. More specifically, I love MENTORING people. I love showing people that they are capable of so much more than they realize. And beyond that, it is my PASSION to help people discover that MORE they are searching for.I felt so lost for a long time. Teaching was my second career. I left college with nothing more than an education. I had no certifications in anything, so my degree really was just a piece of paper. All I knew was that I wanted to IMPACT people. I loved fitness, so that’s the direction I went. When I started working with kids, I thought teaching was the next natural progression.But, I didn’t truly understand what God’s purpose was for me in this world until I entered the world of network marketing.I always thought it was funny that I would go from fitness to selling shampoo - clearly something I know NOTHING about. But, here’s what I’ve learned…1. Literally anyone can do it. Sure, it might help if I was a hairstylist or an expert in sales, but this business is for EVERYONE. Take for example 2 of my friends. One doesn’t even know how to use a curling iron or blow dryer, and has been able to hit a leadership rank in this company. The other is a MAN. Y’all, a MALE who has not only been able to grow back his hair, but he is the first MAN in the company to hit that leadership rank, and will be the first MAN to earn a free Cadillac. Tell me you can’t do it…2. It only takes about an hour a day. My least favorite excuse in the world, “I don’t have time to take on something else right now.” Y’all, I didn’t either. I was working 40+ hours a week. I had an hour commute to work. I had 2 other businesses I was running. I had 2 kids and a husband at home. I was waking up at 4AM already just to get everything in.One year ago, I was able to hit the leadership level in my company - and I was working less than an hour a day on this business. Really, the only thing different I was doing was changing the way I was talking on social media. If I can do it, so can you.3. Community is EVERYTHING. Believe it or not, I’m incredibly introverted. I hate small talk, and unless someone asks me to speak, I usually won’t say a word (unless I’m SUPER comfortable with you). There are A LOT of awkward silences when you are with me. I have best friends, but my best friends have been the same 4 or 5 girls since I was little. I didn’t NEED a community or more friends.Or, so I thought. Turns out, what I NEEDED was women who empowered me to be a better person. Who helped me realize what I was truly capable of. Who pushed me + encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone, and would be there to cheer me on or pick me up if I fell.If you ever feel like something is missing, I’m telling you, this might be the one thing you need.4. You might just find that MORE that you’re looking for. I think I’ve always known that I was meant to make an impact. When you look at teachers making an impact though, they’re the ones who go above and beyond. They’re the ones who work in inner city schools. They’re the ones who are able to teach teachers how to be better (this is my husband, y’all).That wasn’t me. I wanted to make an impact, but I knew there was still something more. I never truly realized what that something MORE was being a leader. Being a mentor. Helping + supporting women to find that same thing. THAT is how I wanted to make an impact. THAT is the legacy I want to leave behind.That I was able to support + encourage women to achieve that MORE in their lives. To find their passion. To get their time back. To truly push them, love them, and believe in them. Because that is what we are missing in this world.Girlfriend, if you’ve read this far, and you are going, “YASSSSSSSSS,” to any of this, let’s chat! Let’s find that purpose, that passion, that MORE you are missing in your life. Let’s get you your time back, without WASTING more time. Let me believe in YOU and show you what’s truly possible for you in your life.Ready to get started?! All you gotta do is ask!