You CAN Do Hard Things

If you’ve been following me the past few months, you might hear me frequently talk about the Enneagram. Basically, the enneagram is a type of personality test, but it doesn’t just focus on your outer personality, but your thoughts + feelings on the inside.


I can honestly say that it has been THE thing that has brought me so much self-awareness in the past year. Of course, it took me about 6 months to finally figure out what number I truly am, but since then, I’ve been so much more aware of WHY I am thinking or acting a certain way.Because I know you’ll ask, I am 9w1 (you can also “wing” to either number on the other side of your main number). As a 9, I am a peacemaker. And I’ll be honest, I fought with myself over being a 9 because I didn’t want to be. Why? Because 9s LOVE comfort. They don’t want to push themselves too hard because they don’t want to make anyone else feel uncomfortable or question them.Surely, that couldn’t be ME?! I just got REALLY uncomfortable working toward some super hard goals this past year! No no no, I’m an Achiever…Turns out, I do REALLY like to be comfortable. I avoid confrontation. I hate making decisions. I don’t want to rock the boat or stand out in anyway.I am a NINE to the core (with a bit of a perfectionist side to me in my 1 wing).In Health, I am a 3 or an achiever. I am able to push myself out of that comfort zone to really work toward a goal. BUT, lately, I’ve found myself not being in that “healthy” state. In fact, I’ve found myself avoiding doing certain things or reaching beyond myself simply because I didn’t want to be uncomfortable.And that has kept me stuck. And unhappy. And questioning if I truly am capable of achieving my dreams.Don’t get me wrong, I have achieved some AMAZING things in my life and am super happy with what I am pursuing now because that was a big dream of mine, but I AM a 9 and I got COMFORTABLE. And that comfort is keeping me stuck.I knew that I needed to do something that would not only get me out of my comfort zone, but would PROVE to me that I CAN do hard things...I gave up dessert for Lent.Yes, it sounds super simple, but it’s something I’ve avoided doing for so long because why give up something when you really don’t have to?! I’ve skirted around this for years… we’ve given up eating after dinner, eating chocolate, or just not giving up anything. But, none of that was truly HARD.For me, this will be HARD. I LOVE my dessert time with my kids! I love chocolate + cookies + ice cream (duh). But, it’s not anything I need. In fact, it’s become more of a habit than anything. And habits are hard to break - unless you take radical action + responsibility.So, for the next (now less than) 40 days, I’m not eating any dessert. Because I NEED to prove to myself that I can do something hard. That I don’t need to avoid something because it scares me to do it.Y’all, I have SUPER big goals this year… Goals that are going to take me FAR out of my comfort zone to achieve. This is just the first step to proving that I can do those hard things. That I am capable. That I am WORTHY.Don’t let comfort get in the way of your dreams. Sometimes those dreams take sacrifice in the short term but will pay off in the long term. Don’t be scared to put yourself out there to do something HARD.I’ll be right here cheering you on!

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