How to Balance #allthethings

Last week, I had the opportunity to partner with 2 of my AMAZING teammates - Jasmin + Holly - in a free 5-day challenge to help women - just like you - take back CONTROL of their lives + businesses.I work with A LOT of women now, and the thing that I hear the most from them…They don’t know how to balance it all.How to get their workout in…How to run a successful business…How to have time for their family…How to work their full time job + build a side hustle at the same time…Let me tell you… it ain’t easy.But, I do believe there are certain things you can have in place that can help you balance it all.One of those things - and one of the days in our 5-day challenge - was how to plan out your days so that you have TIME to balance it all.Here are my 3 tips for creating a schedule that works for YOU…1. Pick ONE DAY each week where you can sit down for 30-60 minutes to plan out your week.While I used to do my planning for the next week on Thursday’s, I now do my planning on Sunday nights. I sit down and I write in EVERYTHING that is going on in our family - appointment, phone calls, dinner times, when people won’t be home for dinner (aka the husband), etc.It has become my favorite night of the week just because it’s so refreshing to go into the week with a PLAN.2. Choose your ANCHOR tasks.I heard this from Jordan Lee Dooley on the Angie Lee Show. Anchor Tasks are the times in your day that are always the same - and non-negotiable. When you wake up, your bedtime, when you eat, etc. For me, my anchor tasks are my morning routine (5AM wake up + workout, followed by my Power Hour, and then getting ready for the day) and my bedtime (10PM). These should be the things that ALWAYS need to get done, so they have a long standing date and you know when they are so you can schedule around them.3. Be FLEXIBLE.Look, I know that as an Enneagram 9w1, I LOVE routine + structure - one of the reasons I LOVE planning so much (and WILL produce a planner someday - but you can pick up my daily planner for FREE right here). But, I KNOW that not everyone loves to have every minute of their day planned out.Guess what?! NEITHER DO I.I love having the flexibility to change up my schedule if I need to (which is why I write in pencil) or if something comes up. I ALWAYS make sure I have some white space in my day to sort of chill and do whatever floats my boat at the time.BUT… for those of you who hate a plan, I want you to refer back to tip #2 because if you want to be successful in your life + business, you’ve GOT to schedule some time to get that stuff DONE.I truly believe that being intentional with my time is what helped me build a side hustle into my now full time job (well, full time pay, but part time hours - doesn’t get much better than that)! If you want to grow a successful side hustle - or achieve some BIG GOALS in YOUR life - this is a great place to start!

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