Life’s Not Easy

I want to tell you it's easy.I want to tell you that you can do everything.I want to tell you how perfect my life is.⠀But, honestly...It's hard.It's messy.And most of the time,it plain ol' sucks.⠀For the last 2 weeks, I had the “pleasure” of playing Single Mom while my husband lived out one of his dreams of getting to be a Teacher Facilitator at the George Washington’s Teacher Institute at Mt. Vernon - AND - beginning his first of 3 weeks of a fellowship he earned at Mt. Vernon. To say I am proud is an understatement.While I was the one who suggested he take 2 weeks in a row to live out this dream, it hasn’t been all rainbows + butterflies. I can’t even begin to imagine what it is like to be a single mama, but it gave me a new respect for those of you who are raising your babies on your own.I think I said "no" more last week than I have in my 34 years of life. As my mama tells me, payback is a b*tch. I've yelled at my kids, only to have them yell right back at me. Add on top of that trying to work from home, tote the kids everywhere, and manage my stress level…Well, things weren’t exactly picture perfect at home...⠀But, just like parenting, the same goes for business…People have quit on me.Told me no.Said I was crazy.⠀Y'all, it's not easy. God created a perfect world that we as humans made harder than it should've been.⠀But, here's what I know...⠀I've always figured it out.I've always come out stronger on the other side.⠀I just have to trust that God is in control.⠀For the mama who feels like she's lost her sh*t too many times this week,Who's ended up in tears,Who wonders when it's going to get easier...⠀Remember that you're still here.That you still matter.and in the end,You'll be stronger bc of it. ❤️⠀I hope this gives you some encouragement today. I know it isn’t always easy, but know that it’ll all work out in the end.