From Phys Ed Teacher to WAHM

Well…It’s officially been ONE YEAR since I resigned from my teaching job…It has felt so strange after years of being a teacher and having summers off to NOT go back to school last August. I think now that the school year is over I finally feel like, OK I am ACTUALLY doing this. Up until now, I just felt like summer had never come to an end and I was going to be going back to work.Now that it’s officially summer and the whole family is back with me again, I can see the change. Instead of feeling like I have the summer off, I now realize that I DO have to make time during my day to get work done. It’s definitely not always fun to have to tell the kids that mama has to work, but I also know that where I am going with my business + brand needs to have some focused time every single day.For me, this is no longer a “hobby” or a “side hustle.” This is my actual JOB. This is what I do for a living. I’m no longer an employee (although, with The Biz Runners, I do work FOR people). I am the CEO of this business and I need to ACT like the CEO of this business.It’s definitely been a shift from what I’ve been used to in the past, but I can honestly say that the biggest thing for me by stepping into the role of full time entrepreneur and CEO is that I feel like I have finally found my TRUE PURPOSE.I’ve always know that I’ve wanted to help people and make an impact on people. I’ve felt that from a young age. I also have always wanted to be a leader. I recently was listening to a training by Bob Heilig that teachers + leaders are very different. I always thought that to be a leader, I needed to be a teacher. But, that’s not entirely true. I can still educate people and help people, but as a leader, I share vision and belief. I create a vision for people and become that role model for others.Quite honestly, I was a TERRIBLE teacher. Not that I wasn’t a good teacher… I am just the kind of person who struggles with spoken word (it’s still amazing to me that I can actually speak on live video) and explaining things to people. But, I can certain SHARE what I do personally with other and lead by example.Plus, in case you didn’t know… leaders tend to make a lot more money than teachers… (and I’m not just talking about in education…)The other thing that I’ve learned is that most people don’t understand what I do. I grew up never really knowing what my dad did. He worked for the same company for over 40 years before he retired, but I never actually knew what he did.And, now I’m pretty much the exact same way. Not everyone understands what I do. Yes, I sell shampoo. Yes, I help online business owners run their businesses. That’s the simple answer. But, the thing that I TRULY do… I help burnt out, busy mamas get their time back.Mamas who feel stuck in a job they don’t love.Mamas who feel like they are missing out on their time with their kiddos.Mamas who don’t have time to spend on THEMSELVES.Mamas who are trying to build a business but can’t do all the things they need to do to be successful.And that’s just a short list of how I help people. THAT’S what I do… and that’s honestly what I’m truly passionate about!I don’t feel like I am anything special in doing what I’m doing. I just had this vision for my life and I went after it. I chased down my goal and now I help other people do the same thing.But, you guys… this hasn’t all been easy + perfect. Sure, from my Instagram or Facebook posts, or even this blog, it might look like I live a pretty amazing life. And don’t get me wrong - I am happier than I’ve EVER been.But, I’m not where I want to be… YET.I hit my goal 1 year ago. I had this dream of being able to stay home with my kiddos and build a business of my dreams. That was my goal - and it brought my SO much satisfaction and fulfillment.So much so that I have to admit, I got a little complacent. I have a great life. I have a house I love. I have a great car that I love. And I have all the time in the world with my kiddos. What more could I possibly want?!As an enneagram 9, it is so easy for me to get comfortable, to be OK where I’m at because I am comfortable and happy. But, as a HEALTHY 9, I want more. I’m READY for more.Yes, I want to continue to make and impact and help mamas get their time back. But, I also need to prove to myself that I am WORTHY of more. That I am CAPABLE of more.It’s like hitting that 5K PR… it’s AMAZING! You’re on top of the world… but then, you’re ready to take another 15 to 30 seconds off that time. To be faster. To prove that you’re not at your peak yet.Y’all, I’m not at my peak yet in this business. FAR from it honestly.I have BIG goals. Goals that seem a little crazy to admit out loud.I don’t need a new house… but I DO want to be able to spend our summer at the lake in a lake house that is OURS.I don’t need a new car… but how nice would it be to have ZERO debt going into car payments and to own a bigger car for how much we travel.We don’t need more money… but how amazing would it be to be able to fly all of us out to California to see my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew, to take the kids to Disneyland every summer, to pay for their college, to earn back my retirement that I gave up a year ago.So, this month, I’m going for a BIG GOAL. And this is my last month to hit it.Through June 30, our company is giving us 3 shares in the business - a multi-million dollar business - every quarter when we hit a certain rank in the company.And I’m ONE rank away. I’ve been ONE rank away for a year now.Three shares might not seem like much, but the original Founders in this company are earning almost an extra $60,000 per year. Y’all… that’s LIFE CHANGING. But, this isn’t just for me…This is for YOU TOO.If you’ve been thinking about partnering with me in this business or if you have BIG GOALS + DREAMS like mine, you can get in on those 3 shares as well. Through June 30, if you join me, you can earn 3 Founders shares too - and you have an ENTIRE YEAR to do it!Girlfriend, you CAN have it all! If you are wanting more TIME in your life, more FREEDOM for the things that you love + are passionate about…WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!

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