5 Steps to Achieve Your Goals

Oh my word…I just got back from the most EPIC 5 days in Washington DC! I’ve never attended a conference that wasn’t on teaching, so I was really excited to attend a conference that was going to push my business to the next level.And boy, did it ever!I had the opportunity to hear Todd Duncan, Ray Higdon, John Maxwell, and Amanda Gore speak on mindset, business, and motivation, as well as multiple top leaders + earners in my network marketing partnership. This conference left me so inspired + excited for the future! I am FIRED UP + ready to CRANK the last half of 2018!But, because I know the majority of you were NOT there (don’t hesitate to ask me how to get in on this opportunity and come hang with me next year), I wanted to make sure I had a chance to share ALL my learnings with you!I know I talk about goals A LOT, but if you know me, I am a BIG DREAMER + always working toward my next goal.  And do I have some DOOZY goals - especially after this past weekend. But, the one thing that was repeated over and over and over and over and over and…YOU HAVE TO BE CONSISTENT IN ORDER TO HIT YOUR GOALS.Life is full of millions of roller coasters, and sometimes, those downs feel like rock bottom and we lose focus on those goals.  And once we lose focus, our consistency comes to a screeching halt.And that downhill slope just keeps getting lower and lower and lower and lower and…If you have BIG DREAMS…If you have BIG GOALS…You absolutely must remain CONSISTENT in your action to achieve those goals.I think John Maxwell explained it the best this past week.  He called it the Rule of Five…

  1. Know what you want to accomplish (your goal)
  2. Know what tools you need to accomplish your goal
  3. Stay FOCUSED on that goal
  5. Finish the job

He used the analogy of chopping down a tree. Your goal is to get that tree to fall eventually. Everyday - EVERYDAY - you wake up, grab an axe, and make 5 chops on the tree.That’s it. Five chops.  No more, no less.But, you do it every day. You use an axe to do it, because no other tool (except maybe a saw) is going to get the job done. You hit the SAME tree. But, you do it every. Single. Day.But, what if I miss a day?Don’t.I mean, really.  That sounds silly, but don’t.  Make it a priority. If the goal is THAT important to you, you’ve gotta be doing itEVERYSINGLEDAYSo, ask yourself…

  1. Do I know the goal I want to accomplish?
  2. Do I know what tools I need to accomplish that goal?
  3. What are the FIVE THINGS I need to do every single day to accomplish that goal?
  4. Can I stay focused on that goal and not get distracted by something else?  (I see you, business hoppers…)
  5. Can I COMMIT to doing this every single day for the next year?

And if you don’t feel like you can answer those questions, then you might need to go back to set 1 and find that goal that lights a fire under you!

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