What Has Happened Since Deciding to Build an Online Business

A few things I want to be really clear about…

  1. Never in a million years did I ever think that I would be working for home, running my own business.  Sure. It had always been a goal of mine to own my own business, but I always thought Matt + I would own a frozen custard franchise or start our own frozen custard place since that’s how we met.  But, I never thought I’d actually be actively pursuing entrepreneurship, especially in the way I am now…
  2. Never did I think that I would be one of those people who would be in network marketing.  In fact, after 2 not-so-great experiences in network marketing (nothing against the team or companies, it just wasn’t the right fit for me), I had swore off network marketing because I had started my own business as a running coach.

Now, here I am today, sitting at my kitchen table office, running my own business that is not only not run coaching, but half of which is in network marketing.Y’all I KNOW network marketing is NOT for everyone.  I didn’t think it was for me either. But, I knew my end goal:  To be able to have the flexibility to work from home on my terms in order to be present with my family while still providing the income that we needed to pay our bills.I have built 3 successful businesses from the ground up.  My run coaching business (which I still do passively), my virtual assistant agency that I co-own with my biz bestie, and now, a successful network marketing TEAM.  Through these 3 businesses, I have been able to help or make an impact on over 300 lives - and that truly is where my heart is when it comes to running these businesses.There are 3 things that running an online business has helped me do that would not have happened otherwise…

1. I would have never learned how to continuously GROW as a person.

First of all, I LOVE non-fiction books.  Like LOVE love them. I can’t get enough of learning.  But, I read mostly running + nutrition books, because those are FUN to me.  I would read about 1-2 books per year and that was it.Y’all, I’m on book number 8 or 9 (?) this year!  And every single book I have read has been a personal development book of some type.  And every single book I have read this year has helped me grow as a person.

  • I’ve learned habits that help be perform at a higher level.
  • I’ve learned the art of selling and how we do it every single day, even if we’re not in sales.
  • I’ve learned which personality type I am (yellow - the helper).
  • I’ve learned how to LEAD a team and create a TRIBE around me.
  • And currently, I’m learning how to Get Over My Damn Self and make a Big Leap past my Upper Limit.

Every single one of these books has been critical in helping me find success in my business + my life.  And I don’t intend to slow down anytime soon.

2. I would have never been able to collaborate with some truly amazing people in the online world.

My husband always gives me trouble about this because I don’t know these people “in real life.”  So, obviously, they can’t be my “real” friends. But, honestly, I’ve made some truly LASTING friendships, thanks to Facebook + Instagram.

  • My weekend warrior crew I met through Instagram.
  • My biz bestie and I met doing network marketing on Facebook years ago.
  • My mentor turned friend reached out to me on Instagram.

And I have more friends who I am connected with, who I want to learn from, and “be around” than I can possible count.  These women have all made a lasting impact on my life and I am forever grateful to have that community that so many women are missing in our lives.  I’m not a mom’s group person, so my online business community lights me up and pushes me to be a better person.

3. I would have NEVER EVER gotten out of my own way and out of my comfort zone.

I am so innately introverted.  To a fault. I have had to do A LOT of social things lately related to back to school:  ice cream socials, pool parties, etc. And I HATE them. Not because of the people that are involved - they are all WONDERFUL.  But, because I am sooooooooooo socially awkward.Before 2 years ago, I would have NEVER done a live video.  My first live video was over on periscope, and my first FB Live was at a race where I barely even talked.  (OMG, PLEASE do not go back and find that!) I used to never even post selfies of myself because I just liked to hide behind the scenes (and ended up making a business out of that).But, online business - and more specifically, network marketing - have FORCED me to stop hiding behind myself.  To start putting myself in uncomfortable social situations, like ice cream socials + pool parties - without my outgoing, charismatic husband.  I gained so much confidence in the past year that I’ve actually considered doing something I never would have done…Singing in church.Oh, sure.  I’ve been in the choir before, but I can do group singing.  I haven’t done solos or ever led an entire congregation (thank goodness our church is small) since back in my high school days - and I hated it then!I’m still not an extrovert, but I’m so much more confident in myself now than I ever used to be.  And I can honestly thank online business + network marketing for helping me grow as a person and become the person I truly feel I was meant to be!And if you’re wondering how you can build your own business in order to get the freedom + flexibility you are craving in your day to day schedule, don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I am always looking for ways to help ambitious women who are willing to chase after big goals + dreams, help A LOT of people, have fun, and make some money in the process! If that’s YOU, we need to chat!
