What I Learned from Going 3 Days Without My Phone

Oh, have I got a story for you today…This is probably the most 1st world country, 21st century story you can ever hear.  But, it’s a TRUE one and I definitely took away A LOT from this experience. So, I want to share my little story from my time at Monations in Washington DC, as well as give you some tangible takeaways that I learned from this story.As many of you know, I am partnered with a luxury hair care company.  A few months ago, I decided that I was going to go to their national convention in September in Washington DC.  I was super excited and also extremely nervous because this was the first time I have EVER travelled alone and I was going with people I have NEVER met in real life before.Thankfully, everyone who I met in person was even BETTER in real life, so that made things super easy and felt natural being around them all the time.Anyway, we spent Thursday + Friday in sessions all day long - which were incredible + life changing - and Friday night was our awards gala.  We all got dressed up + put gallons of makeup on and enjoyed an amazing dinner on the company.After the dinner + awards, our team decided to head out to one of the hotel bars to hang out + chat.  A bunch of us called up an Uber to take us there (because it was raining and we looked pretty). Eight of us got in and he immediately told us that he couldn’t drive eight of us.  So, 3 got out and there were 4 of us smooshed in the back of this Suburban.I got out and walked into the hotel bar with my purse, and immediately went to reach for my phone, only to see that I didn’t have it. It wasn’t on my person, it wasn’t in my purse.  It was gone.Well, F.Some friends called up some of the girls still at the gala to look on the table, and I borrowed a phone to immediately text my husband to track it for me.  Sure enough, I left it in the Uber. Within 10 minutes of getting out the Uber, I had already left him a voicemail to contact us about leaving the Uber in his car, and let me husband continue to track it all around DC.Saturday went by. Nothing back, even after contacting Uber.  Well, I had to leave Sunday and still hadn’t heard anything, so I decided to just let it go and go home and get a new phone on Monday.  (Of course, I could have done this in DC, but Sprint wasn’t open on Sunday until when I needed to be at the airport.)Y’all, I went almost 3 full days without my iPhone… AND I SURVIVED.In all seriousness, though, it wasn’t terrible.  The hardest part was waiting at the airport in St. Louis for my husband to come get me and not have a way to get ahold of him.  (Don’t worry, he didn’t leave me there… although I’m sure he thought about it…)But, I wanted to give you some takeaway that you should KNOW + take to heart that I learned from this experience. 

  • There are some really great people in the world.  And there are some people who just plain suck.

 I am SO thankful for my amazing team who I met ONLINE.  SO THANKFUL. Many of them went out of their way to help me get ahold of people who could help me get my phone back or make it a better experience for me.  They truly are AMAZING people and I’m so thankful to have them in my life!But, there are people who just plain SUCK.  That Uber driver definitely knows my phone is in his car - and I was completely willing to PAY HIM for his time to bring my phone back to me.  But, alas, my phone is somewhere in the streets of DC.Takeaway:  Don’t suck.  Be a genuinely nice person. Karma can be a bitch.

  1. In a digital world, it’s important to have a backup!

Thank goodness I took all of my pictures off my phone before leaving.  I lost some pictures I took while in DC, but I had so many other people who were taking pictures for me that I have plenty to remember the trip!However, I lost ALL my contacts (I haven’t backed up my phone in, oh, a year), but luckily have some important numbers memorized.  It also reminded me why I have a paper planner! Sure, my schedule is backed up on the cloud, but when I need to make an appointment and can’t have my phone or computer, I’m SO thankful I have that planner.Back it up, people! Bring emergency contact info with you EVERYWHERE.  Stop relying on your phone so damn much!


For once in as long as I can remember, I could be COMPLETELY PRESENT in what I was doing.  There were times where I wanted to snap a picture or send something to my team that they couldn’t be there or put something silly on stories (I’m kinda a goofball on stories).But, instead, I had to LISTEN to every single word that was being said.  *GASP*Guess what? My team got all the info they needed.  I got pictures sent to me by other people. AND I SURVIVED.Sometimes we are so consumed with social media, we forget to actually BE SOCIAL.When I called my husband to tell him I lost my phone, you wanna know what he said?“I’m just thankful that you’re safe. Your phone can be replaced, but you can’t.”Get your nose out of your phone. Pay attention to the things around you. Your phone can be replaced, but the things that actually MATTER in your world… they can’t.

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