Your problem isn’t that you don’t have time… it’s THIS.

One thing I hear a lot from people I talk to is, “I don’t know how you do it all. How do you have the time?”Let me stop you in your tracks right there.I have no more or less time than ANYONE else.  We ALL have 24 hours in a day. Some people have jobs, some people don’t. Some people have kids, some people don’t. Some people need 10 hours of sleep, others can get by with 6 or 7. But, it’s all the SAME 24 hours.The ONE THING that is different is how we make USE of our time.Y’all… I’m BUSY.  All the dang time.  In fact, I HATE being bored.  Ask my husband. There is very rarely a time where I am sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing. I just can’t not DO SOMETHING. So most nights, instead of vegging out to the TV, I’m typically getting work done.  Not because I HAVE to, but because I like to be busy. I like the feeling of accomplishment I get.Now, if that’s not your cup of tea, that’s perfectly fine.  I get it. Truly.But, don’t complain about your time because TIME is NOT the issue.DISCIPLINE is the issue.Oh yeah, throwing truth bombs up in here today.I understand busy.  Believe me. At this time last year, I was working full-time, running 2 businesses, being a mom, had a 30 minute commute to and from work, my husband was coaching, MacKenna was in gymnastics, and a month later, I started a THIRD business. Oh, and did I mention I was training for a 5K PR at the time too?!TIME was not my issue. As Gay Hendricks says in his book The Big Leap, YOU are the source of time.  Time isn’t what happens to you. YOU are the one who can make the time.How do I manage everything?I’m DISCIPLINED AF.I made really good use of my 24-hours.  I knew my priorities - and you can see them in that list above.  Family, work, business, health/fitness, God. I MAKE TIME for those things.  If it’s important to me, I do it, if it’s not, I don’t.Is scrolling Facebook for hours on end a priority to you?  Is reading fiction books or even personal development books a priority to you?  Is your health and fitness a priority to you? Is going to church or bible study a priority to you?  Is your family a priority to you?None of those things have to do with TIME.  They have to do with YOU. What is important to you and what are you willing to MAKE TIME for?It all comes down to discipline.  Being “disciplined,” according to the dictionary of Google, means “showing a controlled form of behavior or way of working.”  YOU are in control of your actions, so how can YOU make time for the things that you truly want in life?

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