#rnrstl training: bringing back the speed

I'm still on a little bit of a high from Rock 'n' Roll Chicago.  Both races were just the confidence booster I needed.  While my training wasn't perfect, I made it to the start line and finished both races better than I had anticipated.But, now it's time to start seriously thinking about my training goals.  While I do like running half marathons, the training (for me) is just too much with 2 kiddos.  I just don't enjoy spending my limited time I get with my kiddos on the weekend running for 2 hours.  I'd rather bust out a quick 8-miler, which takes about an hour for me, and call it a day.  I can still sleep in a little bit (yes, 6AM is sleeping in for me) and spend the entire day with my family.  So, I'm back to shorter, easy runs (5-6 miles at the most during the week with a 6-8 miler on the weekend) and really focusing on my speed.  I am so happy with my "starting" 5K time, but it's still quite a ways away from where I really want to be.  I'm wanting to be back closer to that sub-20 minute 5K, so I have quite a bit of work to do to get back there.My next race on the ol' race calendar is Rock 'n' Roll St. Louis.  I decided to switch from the half marathon down to the 10K instead. If I want to focus on speed, I cannot have a half marathon as my next race.  #RNRSTL is only 12 (now 11) weeks away, so it's already back into training once again.IMG_2334

One of the perks of being a Rock 'n' Blogger!  And yes, that's a lightbulb.  We're still working on light fixtures.  That one is being switched out with a can light if that won't void our warranty.

My other goal for these next 12 weeks is to build back my strength.  Strength training has been non-existant this summer, thanks to wanting to sleep, family, and grad school.  I'm going to be doing a few weeks of basic body building workouts (squats, bench, deadlifts, etc.) before I get back into CrossFit workouts.  I also am trying to work on my core strength and stability - especially since I self-diagnosed myself with diastasis recti.  So, I'm doing everything I can to fix that while still running, which isn't going to be easy.Here is how week 1 of #RNRSTL training went:Monday:  5.1 mile easy run (8:34/mile) - It felt great to be running again after a week off.  Took it nice and easy and felt great, for the most part.Strength - 2 rounds:Barbell Sumo Squats 15x, 25#Dumbbell Alternating Press 15x, 12.5#Shoulder Press 15x, 25#Front Squat 15x, 25#Push-ups from Knees 15xBench Dips 15xTuesday:  4 mile easy run (8:23/mile)Strength - 3 rounds:Glute Bridges 15sPlank 30sSide Plank 20s eachReverse Lunge with Twist 20xWednesday:  3 mile stroller run (9:10/mile) - MacKenna woke up before I was able to leave and wanted to come with me.  Flat tires do not make for an easy run...IMG_2336Strength - 2 rounds:Sumo Deadlifts 15x, 45#Bent-Over Rows 15x, 45#Face Pulls 15x, red bandDeadlifts 15x, 45#Band Lat Pulldown 15x, blue bandSumo to High Pull 15x, 25#Thursday:  6 x hill sprints (3 miles @ 8:05/mile) - I decided to keep it short since I'm still technically in recovery mode, but felt decent.Strength - 3 rounds:Glute Bridges 15xWindshield Wipers 15x eachFriday:  2 mile easy run (7:50/mile) - Too fast for an easy run but I got a late start in the morning.  MacKenna wants to run EVERY run with me now...IMG_2343Saturday:  6 mile long run (8:26/mile) - Tried to keep it as easy as possible.  I wanted to feel comfortable and not worry about my pace.  Slowest the middle 2 miles but felt pretty good the rest of the time.  Gotta build my speed endurance back up.IMG_2347Sunday:  OFFThis week is my last week of morning runs before going back to work next week.  I'm ready and I'm not.  But one thing I am happy about is my choice to step down as the varsity volleyball coach.  Volleyball tryouts start today and instead of stressing over tryouts and practices, I get to enjoy 5 extra days with my babies.  I am one happy mama!