#rnrstl half marathon training 2016: week 9
I am now officially tapering! I completed my 12 mile run yesterday and it actually went really well! I've been religiously practicing my racing strategy during my long runs, including how I plan on fueling, and I've been able to keep a really great pace and feel good throughout my long runs. I'm hurting NOW - like, a lot - but otherwise, my long runs have been super successful.I actually really enjoy a 2 week taper. I still have another 10 mile run this coming weekend, so I don't feel like it's necessarily a huge taper, but it's a great way to finish my training. The week ahead will still be pretty tough, so I'm looking forward to my actual taper week leading up until race day. Especially since I'm SUPER sore right now. I'm looking forward to getting this race done, but I'm definitely optimistic about PRing this race!Monday: HIIT workout
Tuesday: 10 x 400 w/ 200m recoveries (4.61 miles @ 7:47/mile)Wednesday: Run-bias HIIT workout4 rounds:Run 400mPush-Press 10xWalking Lunges 20xSit-Ups 30xThursday: 5 x 1000 w/ 2:30 rest (4.01 miles @ 7:21/mile)Friday: Tabata Sprints (2.6 miles @ 7:42/mile) + HIIT workoutsSaturday: 5K @ 90% 5K pace (3.1 miles @ 7:48/mile)Sunday: 12 miles @ 7:48/mileTotal: 27.86 milesSeptember Miles: 109.04 milesYear-to-Date: 933.21 milesI can definitely tell the difference lately with my runs, thanks to really pushing myself with my HIIT circuits. I've been testing out all of the workouts I prescribe in my 3-week programs before I actually send them out, just to ensure that they are not too difficult and definitely doable. I really feel like this is the first time in 5 years (since before MacKenna was born) that I am consistently doing these workouts and I'm definitely noticing the difference in my times and how I feel especially after my long runs.Don't miss out on my next 3-week program - I am confident that these workouts will help you become a stronger and faster runner! My latest "graduates" have seen fantastic results and I know YOU will too! Register today - my next program begins Monday, October 17th!