#rnrstl half marathon training 2016: week 5

The Concrete Runner - Rock n Roll St. Louis TrainingI hope you all had a FABULOUS long weekend!  We certainly did!  It was a much needed, very relaxing weekend spent with family.  Matt + I had a great date night on Saturday night - our first since our trip to Chicago back in July.  We ended up driving ALL the way out to Edwardsville, Illinois to try out Peel Wood Fire Pizza + Beer.  It was pretty good, but definitely didn't beat out Dewey's.  We were really just hoping they would have some Dog Fish Head pumpkin beer either at the restaurant or at the liquor store out there since we can't get it in Missouri, but no such luck.MacKenna + I spent Monday down at the lake with my mom's side of the family.  It's always a great way to start + end the summer by lounging at the lake with family, drinking, and over eating a bunch of food...Thankfully, my training has been ON POINT this past week, so I have absolutely NO complaining!  It's the best I've felt in a long time, and I'm going to attribute it to the much cooler weather we ended the week with.  Hello, Fall!  How I have missed you!  And how my training has DEFINITELY missed you!  It's been YEARS since I've trained for a fall half marathon - probably since Lewis + Clark back in 2008, when I ran in a torrential downpour because of Hurricane Ike.  Why did I think trying to PR in July was a good idea?!  I'm doing the EXACT same training that I did this summer and I don't feel the results have anything to do with more experience - I think it's ALL due to the weather!  Do I think I'm at a 1:35 half marathon yet?  Not quite... But, who knows?  I'm trying to keep a positive outlook and I'm definitely doing my best to prevent the blow up that I had this summer at Chicago.Monday:  HIIT workoutNRCY1961Tuesday:  5 miles @ 85% 5K pace (3.51 AM miles @ 8:17/mile + 1.74 PM miles w/ the XC team)Wednesday:  Run bias HIIT workout + 2 miles (1.55 AM miles + 2.0 PM miles w/ the XC team)Thursday:  3 x 1 mile @ 5K pace w/ 3-minutes rest (4.02 miles @ 7:20/mile)Friday:  HIIT workoutSaturday:  5 x 1000 w/ 600 recoveries (7.94 miles @ 7:45/mile)Sunday:  8 miles @ 85% 10K pace (8.0 miles @ 7:52/mile)Total:  28.76 milesIt's another RACE WEEK this week!  Looking forward to a speedy 5K on Friday night with my new favorite running buddies!  Let's see if we can get that time down less than a month later!  No more 5Ks until November when I run my favorite 5K in Silver Dollar City!