#motherrunner: sarah norcott
I am so excited for you to meet Sarah this month! Sarah is a super inspiring mother runner - and she has very similar view points to my own! I love her parenting advice and the NEED to find the time to fit running into a busy schedule. Plus, look at the marathon time! I am so super jealous! Not only is she a super badass mom, but she's a speedy one too! Oh, and cutest gender reveal story EVER!Name: Sarah NorcottAge: 35Hometown: Quincy, MAOccupation: EstheticianSocial Media Links:
- Blog: feetfailmenot2013.blogspot.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/feetfailmenot_
- Twitter: twitter.com/SANorcott
Number of years running: 16 years running/7 years racingNames + Ages of Kids: Lincoln, 2 years oldFavorite Distance to Run: MarathonFavorite or Most Memorable Race: It wasn’t actually a race I ran. It was a race I spectated. Boston Marathon 2014. My husband was running that year (first Boston!) and I was 20 weeks pregnant. That morning while he was on the bus to Hopkinton I had in my hand an envelope that revealed the sex of our child. My plan was to open it at the Boston Common (where he proposed to me on a run a few years back) and announce the gender on a sign 100 yards before he crossed the finish. I did not tell anyone that we were going to have a boy until my husband found out first! And before he ran by me I was able to velcro the ‘BOY’ sign for him to see. And ‘boy’ did he shout with excitement (I screamed at him to not stop because he was cutting it close to a BQ hahah)! That moment right there … most memorable.Best Running Accomplishment: The best running accomplishment that will always give me head to toe goosebumps is the Smuttynose Marathon back in 2013. The moment I finally broke 3:30:00 (3:29:32)!! It took many failed attempts to finally sneak under that 3:30 time. After a full year off from the marathon distance I finally decided to try again. This time I had a completely different attitude going into the training season. I finally stopped doubting myself and BELIEVED that I could do it. I worked even harder and showed up on race day with a different point of view. Confidence... “You ARE going to do this today!”. And I ran the BEST race of my life. Every step was executed flawlessly and I had so much fun running that day. I crossed the finish line with the happiest tears and screams! I will forever love that feeling.Best Parenting Accomplishment: Overcoming Postpartum Depression. I never really spoke about this to anyone. I didn’t seek help because I really thought I would be able to overcome PPD since I always liked to solve things on my own. If I had to go through it all over again I would absolutely ask for help. Was I embarrassed about it? I really don’t have an answer for that. It was the hardest thing I ever went through (emotionally) and I can sit here as a better person because of it. A better mom even. The unconditional love that my sweet boy showed me through his eyes during that cloudy time gave me so much hope that depression would pass. And when it did 15 months later, I was able to really see the true love that my husband and I created.
Advice for how you fit running into your busy schedule: I really believe that no matter how busy you are you have to find time for yourself. There’s always a way. For me it’s very early in the morning. Luckily I’m a morning person so those 4:30 AM miles aren’t so bad. My husband (and other people) think I’m nuts but if that is the only time I have for myself then so be it. This way I can be home when the boys wake up. Like I never left.Best parenting advice you’ve gotten: