#rnrstl half marathon training: week 6

The Concrete Runner - Rock n Roll St. Louis TrainingHello Fall-like weather!  How amazing it was to wake up on Sunday morning for my long run and have 60s as the temperature?!  I've officially learned my lesson that if I decide to do another summer half marathon, I will ONLY be running it for fun and not worrying about my time.  I don't feel like my training has been much different this time around - in fact, I think it has definitely be worse than my training for RNR Chicago, but the heat KILLED me this summer.  I'm finding that I'm SO much faster when I don't have to deal with the heat.I am at the point now where I really want to start focusing on my race day fueling plan.  One of the things I've noticed during the last 2 half marathons is that I tend to die after mile 8.  So, my plan during my training is to practice my hydration/fueling plan for any run that is over an hour.  I did a 9 mile run yesterday, so I found a nice 3-mile loop and stopped by home every 3 miles to drink before I started running again.  I absolutely HATE running in loops, but I hate holding things during my run so much more.  So, if I have to run loops for my long runs I will.Monday:  OFFimg_7328Tuesday:  8 x 400 w/ 200 recoveries (4.05 miles @ 7:40/mile)Wednesday:  5 minute warm-up + cool down (1.18 miles) +Run 400mSquats 40xSitups 30xPushups 20xBurpees 10xThursday:  Tabata Sprints (2.42 miles @ 8:16/mile)Friday:  Illumirun 5K race (3.1 miles @ 6:38/mile) - Race Recap coming on Wednesday!Saturday:  OFFSunday:  15K @ 80% 10K pace (9.24 miles @ 7:45/mile)Total:  20.2 milesIn other news:  I've started a brand new FREE group for runners of all ability levels!  It's called The Badass Running Buddies Community by The Concrete Runner.  The goal is to provide a place for runners to connect with other runners, ask questions, stay motivated and accountable, and just share their badass-ness with a bunch of other BARBs (badass running buddies)!  I would LOVE to connect with all of you in this group - I feel like it's so hard to get advice and ask questions from other runners through Instagram, Facebook pages, and blogs.  Sure, they might respond to you, but wouldn't it be awesome to have an open line of communication from hundreds of other runners?!I'm hoping to share some fun running content, as well as hop on and do some live videos one or 2 times per week.  So, if you have questions or really just want to be a BARB with your truly, I would LOVE to have you!  And invite your running buddies - this group is open to ALL runners!  Join the group NOW!