#rnrstl half marathon training 2016: week 3
Another tough week getting out the door. But, even though it was hard to wake up in the morning, I feel fortunate enough that with coaching cross country this season, I have an afternoon run to fall back on should it be ridiculously hard to wake up. I've been so exhausted this week - my body is just not used to the lack of sleep I am getting right now. And I'm struggling to get to bed on time. Thankfully the Olympics will be over this week and I can force myself to stop working at 9:30 so that I can actually get to bed on time.But, despite being utterly exhausted, I did have some great runs. I had to change a few of them up knowing I was going to be doing a few 2-a-days this week. I love the option of getting to workouts in each day, especially since I can do a shorter, tough workout in the morning, followed by an easier one with my runners in the afternoon. The other thing I changed up this week was my long run. Matt's XC team is practicing on Sunday nights at a few different trails around the area. In an effort to spend a little more family time together at the end of the weekend, I'm going to start doing my long runs on Sunday nights with them. I did the same thing last year and REALLY liked it. It'll be a little bit different this year since I will most likely run Monday morning too, but it's just going to take some good planning on my part in order to work well.Oh yeah, and I won a race this week! I'll have a recap up on Wednesday, but it was a great reminder of how much I enjoy running in the afternoon and evenings. Yes, I DO like being a morning runner because I am pretty much guaranteed to get my run in, but my body really enjoys having a full day to warm-up. It wasn't my fastest time, but I felt pretty darn good throughout the race. And if you're not convinced I should be an afternoon/evening runner, check out my pace from Sunday evening. I mean, HELLO?!Monday: AM: 5K @ 85% 5K pace (3.1 miles @ 8:14/mile)PM: 0.83 miles + Box Jumps/Inverted Rows/V-Ups
Tuesday: AM: nonePM: 1.41 miles + Deadlifts/Front SquatsWednesday: AM: 4 x 800 with 400 recoveries (was supposed to do 6 but cut it short - 3.9 miles @ 7:54/mile)PM: 2 x 5 x hill (2.08 miles)Thursday: AM: AMRAP in 20 minutes of Run 400m/Squats 15x/Tucks 25xPM: 10 minute run (1.29 miles)Friday: AM: nonePM: The Glo Run 5K (3.13 miles @ 6:36/mile)Saturday: OFFSunday: 10K @ 80% 10K pace (6.2 miles @ 7:06/mile)Total: 23.85 milesOh yeah, and if you're NOT part of my 5-Day HIIT for Runners program, there's still time to join. It's completely FREE and will give you a great starting point to start incorporating HIIT workouts into your training. Plus, just for being part of the group, you will get 2 EXCLUSIVE bonuses that you WILL NOT want to miss out on!