#rnrchi training: week 6

I don't know how those of you who run half marathons and marathons all the time do it...I ran my longest run in a year and a half Saturday morning.  It was only 9 miles, but it was definitely not my favorite run all week.  Don't get me wrong.  It was not a bad run at all.  In fact, it was actually my fastest run all week and I felt pretty fabulous the entire run.  But, marathoner, I am not.  I am actually contemplating not running more than a 10 mile run (which I'm slated to do this coming weekend) before the half marathon.  And then I remember I decided to do that before my first postpartum half marathon after having MacKenna and how torturous those last 3.1 miles were.So, I will be cursing my way through my next 3 long runs.  I'm starting to rethink doing the half marathon  in October, but then I remember that I already signed up to run GO! St. Louis in April, so I might as well just go ahead and run a half in the fall too.  Plus, I know that once I get these first few long runs under my belt, the other ones won't be nearly as bad.IMG_1846Monday:  400m warm-up runFor time:Run 400m (1:43)Situps 100xRun 800m (3:10)Squats 75xRun 1200m (5:06)Pushups 50xRun 1600 (7:23)Pullups (asst.) 25xRun 200m (9:40)Tuesday:  4 mile easy run (8:08 pace)5 rounds:Situps 20xSDHP 20x, 25#Wednesday:  3 mile easy run (8:06 pace)3 rounds:Dips 20xPushups 20xSitups 20xPlank 20sThursday:  1 mile run (7:35)Front Squats 8-5-3-5-8x, 65#Friday:  5 minute warm-up, 20 x 20s leg speed w/ 1 minute recoveries, 5 minute cool down (4.5 miles total @ 8:07 pace)Saturday:  9 mile long run (8:04 pace)Sunday:  OFFTotal:  25.5 milesHave a great week!P1300465