#rnrchi training: week 3
Happy last week of school to all my (local) teacher friends! Only 4.5 days for me this week and then school's out for summer! And I seriously can NOT WAIT! Things that I'm looking forward to this summer:
- Spending time with my kiddos (duh)
- Going to the beach
- A trip to Chicago with my hubby without kids!
- Branson!
- Taking the kids to the zoo, park, and pool
- Swimming lessons for MacKenna!
It's going to be a good summer! We're also planning on getting some stuff done around the house that we have been putting off since we moved in 8 months ago. You know, like hanging the TV above the fireplace, finally putting pictures on the wall, and finishing painting all the bedrooms and bathrooms. Thank goodness for both of us being off for the summer - our house will be in tip top shape come August (fingers crossed).I'm also looking forward to finishing up my training and actually running RnR Chicago. It'll be nice to start training in the morning again too! It's so much harder to get motivated after a long day at work when all I want to do is go home and hang out on the floor with my babies. So, yes, the little things like that are definitely what I'm looking forward to.But, this week was another good week of training - again, a lot of flexibility in scheduling my workouts was needed. And this week will be much worse since there are a TON of things going on this week. But, believe me, I will be partying it up on Friday night! ;)Monday: 3.5 mile easy run (8:06 pace)For time:Back Squats 50x, 45#Situps 100xJump Rope 400xSDHP 50xBox Jump Overs 100xRun 1 mileTuesday: 3 mile easy run (7:58 pace)5 rounds for time:Run 200mInverted Row 16xPushups 9xWednesday: 21-15-9-6-3 reps:PushupsFront Squats, 45#BurpeesThursday: 5 mile treadmill hill run, including... (7:55 pace)2 x 90s hill w/ 1 min recovery2 x 60s hill w/ 1 min recovery2 x 30s hill w/ 1 min recovery4 x 15s hill w/ 1 min recovery
Friday: 2 mile easy run (7:59 pace)AMRAP in 12 minutes of:Run 400mDeadlifts 5x, 75#(6 rounds)Saturday: OFFSunday: 7 mile long run (8:06 pace)45 minutes of sand volleyball (and I'm feeling it today...)Total: 22 milesIt's still crazy to me that I'm training for a half marathon and my weekly mileage just now hit over 20 miles per week. Training for 5Ks a year ago, I was running 30-40 mile weeks. I'll get back there eventually though. I just have to keep reminding myself that I have plenty of time to get back to the paces I want to hit and run the races I want to run.