#rnrchi training: week 1
I know I'm posting late today. It was a BUSY (but fun) weekend, including car shopping with my boys (Kenna spent the day with Grandma and got to go to the American Girl store), a baby shower for my friend Melissa, and lots of Cinco de Mayo celebrating. All that Mexican food (and margaritas) has me ready for a new week and a chance to focus on clean eating and training again. My first week of training went pretty flawlessly! I got in all my scheduled workouts and even got in 4 days of strength training! I'm doing some workouts with some of my coworkers and it's been fun! We haven't done too many together (busy schedules at the end of the school year) but I definitely like having someone else there to keep me accountable and push me in my workouts. I don't give up nearly as quickly as I would if I was working out by myself!Here's how Week 1 of RnR Chicago training went:Monday: 3 mile easy run (7:53 pace)21-15-9 reps:Deadlifts, 65#Box JumpsPushupsTuesday: 3 mile easy run (8:15 pace)Wednesday: 3 mile run w/ the double stroller (8:45 pace)Tabata 4 set of each, 20s on/10s off:SupermansPushupsSitupsSquats
Thursday: 6 x hill (4.25 miles @ 8:07 pace)3 rounds, 30s each:Plank UpsMB Twists, 6#Mt. ClimbersLunge JumpsAb TucksKB Swings, 20#
Friday: Rest day for running3 rounds of:Hang Cleans 15x, 45#Sumo Burpees 15xSaturday: 5 mile long run (8:15 pace)Sunday: OFFTotal: 18.25 milesSlowly building back my speed. Slowly building back my mileage base. Ready to tackle week 2!