#rnrchi training 2016: week 7
Well, I'm down from my training high. This past week was physically and mentally exhausting. Lots of stuff going on that left me feeling completely defeated and just plain emotional. Unfortunately, I feel like a lot of that rolled over into my training and left me not training at my very best. I mean, I still had several good training days, but my long run was definitely tough this past weekend.But, it's a new week and I'm hoping it's a much better one. I have several tough runs planned and I'm hoping this mental + emotional exhaustion can be tamed so that it doesn't cross over into my training. We're at the point where race day is getting closer, so I at least need a few more good runs between now and then!Monday: 6 x 1000m w/ 2:30 rest + WU/CD to track (6.74 miles @ 7:32/mile)EMOM for 10 minutes:Pushups 10xShoulder Press 10xTuesday: AMRAP in 15 minutes:Run 200mPushups 20xSitups 20x(1.56 miles total w/ WU)Wednesday: 40 minutes @ 85% 10K pace (4.96 miles @ 8:03/mile)Thursday: Tabata Sprints (2.39 miles @ 8:22/mile)Squats 3x10Deadlifts 3x10Friday: Tabata Sprints (2.42 miles @ 8:17/mile)AMRAP in 10 minutes:Push Press 12xThrusters 12xSaturday: 10 mile time trial (10 miles @ 8:08/mile)Sunday: OFFTotal Miles: 28.07 milesAnd for those of you who LIKE my Facebook page, I gave you a little tease as to something I have planned for next month. I am happy to announce that I will be hosting my first ever Time-Crunched Training Bootcamp starting July 11! This bootcamp is for anyone who struggles to find time to fit in strength training that complements their current training program and their busy, everyday schedule. I know this is something I have struggled with in the past, especially working full time, coaching, and being a mom - believe me, it's hard to find time to actually get stronger in order to help me become a better runner.
My 3-week Time-Crunched Training Bootcamp will involve workouts that can be done from home with little to no equipment that will last 30 minutes or less. Most of the workouts will actually take less than 20 minutes. The goal is to help you become a stronger, faster runner with strength training that you can fit into your current training plan and busy schedule. I will also be providing 3 different levels of workouts, so if you are just starting out or have never done any strength training before, you will be able to find a level that fits your needs![Tweet "I cannot WAIT for @concreterunner's Time-Crunched Training bootcamp!"]Registration will open next week, but if you want to be the first to register, I will be sending out an email with the registration info before the link goes live on the blog! You can sign up below to get on the mailing list! I cannot WAIT to work with you all!
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