#rnrchi training 2016: week 3
We had a fabulous first official weekend of summer. I spent Friday getting a wonderful massage that Matt + the kiddos gave me for Mother's Day, and then spent the afternoon cleaning my house from top to bottom because it had been weeks since I had cleaned it well, thanks to a busy end of the school year. Matt + I also had a nice night out at the Mouse Races for a fundraiser for a high school dance team, along with a few drinks to kick off the start of summer.I got a wonderful long run in Saturday morning - one of the best + fastest I've run in a long time - before heading out to some of the garage sales in our subdivision with my friend Elena. I scored a couple of good deals, including a microwave for my office and some toys and books for the kiddos. We then spent most of the morning outside playing before crashing inside and then spent the evening with the neighbors cheering on the Blues to a win!And Sunday, well, Sunday no longer feels like a Sunday for the next few months! We took the kiddos to the Cardinals game - Miles' first! - and then just chilled at home the rest of the afternoon and evening. It was nice going to sit on the couch after putting the kiddos to bed and knowing that I could stay up later and not have to worry about going to work in the morning. I'm sooooooo looking forward to getting up in the morning to run and of course spend time with my babies! Summer Bucket List will be posted sometime later this week.Other than that, it was a decent week of workout. I'm feeling faster than I have in a long time. My paces are down in the 7s again, and it actually feels pretty good - no longer like I want to die when I'm running at that speed. I still have a ways to go, but I'm excited to see what the next few weeks of training brings...Monday: 5K @ 85% 5K pace with 3 x 400 in the middle (3.1 miles @ 7:38/mile pace)
Tuesday: Run 1 mile (7:51)Squats 50xSitups 50xPushups 50x
Wednesday: OFFThursday: 1/2 mile warm-up, 6 x 800 with 400 recoveries (5.0 miles @ 7:47/mile pace)
Friday: 5K @ 80% 5K pace (3.1 miles @ 7:50/mile pace)
Saturday: 10K @ 80% 10K pace (6.01 miles @ 7:43/mile pace)Sunday: OFFTotal: 18.21 milesThe one thing that I'm struggling getting my mind around is the lower mileage as I work on my speed. Because I am doing so much speed work lately, I've had to take my mileage down quite a bit. Right now, I'm just hoping to continue to get at least 15 miles per week and 4-5 runs in per week, but I know some of these weeks - like this week - is calls for much less mileage and days running. Time to be mentally tough and figure out how to manage days I'm not running...