summer bucket list 2016

It's back for a third year in a row!  A little bit of history on the summer bucket list you might not even know about:This blog was originally meant as sort of a summer bucket list of types.  I was training for the Chicago Marathon and since it was really my first summer off as a teacher, I decided we needed to do something really fun before we started having kids.  So, I decided that we needed to try - and blog about - as many frozen custard places as possible.  Obviously, my blog has transitioned less from food and more towards running in the past 6 (!!!!!) years, but it is where the name "the concrete runner" came from, so it will always hold a place in my heart.Anyways... on to the list!  I changed it up a little bit this year to include some smaller things that I really just want to do.  They take no time or energy, but it will definitely give me something to try and accomplish over the summer so that I'm not sitting around bored.  This is the first summer in 3 years where I haven't been taking classes for my master's degree (I graduated about 2 weeks ago!), so I want to enjoy as much of the summer as I can since I have all the time in the world!The Concrete Runner - Summer Bucket List 20161. Take the kids to Big Joel's Safari.  Big Joel's is big out where I teach since it is essentially a zoo that isn't an hour away.  However, it is a petting zoo where you can pet and/or feed the animals!  I'm not sure Kenna will be a huge fan as she's scared to death of most animals, but Miles (and I) will love it!2. Go to the movies or a dive-in movie.  Unfortunately, we can't always be outside due to the weather (hello rain for the next several days), so we need a backup.  Some of the local movie theaters offer free or cheap movies for kids, so I definitely want to take MacKenna sometime this summer.  I also would love to do a dive-in movie and I'm hoping my awesome neighbors figure out how to get the projector out by the pool!3. Go to a baseball game at Wrigley Field.  Let it be known that I am a Cardinals fan for life.  But, Matt has never been to Wrigley and I haven't been since I was a kid, and since we will be in Chicago when they are playing this summer, we have already bought our tickets for a game!  I'm so excited and planning on being decked out in Cardinals gear, even if they aren't even playing each other.4. Play at Zachary's Playground.  This was on my list last year but we never made it out there.  We hit up Brendan's playground yesterday, so I'm hoping we will be more successful this year at making it out to Zachary's Playground.5. Go to the Museum of Transportation.  This has been a bucket list item for 3 summers now.  We WILL achieve it this year...6. Feed the goats and drink beer at Grant's Farm.  This is a yearly list item - my favorite St. Louis activity I think!7. Visit a new-to-us brewery.  We went to Abita and Goose Island last year and they were both awesome!  I am thinking another Chicago brewery, or something where the next item will take us...8. Take a road trip to a new city.  Every time we go on vacation to Gulf Shores, we try to explore a new place on our way home.  We've gone to Memphis (on our honeymoon), Nashville, and New Orleans.  We are thinking Atlanta as it isn't too far out of the way for us, but we are definitely taking suggestions within a 5-6 hour radius of St. Louis/Gulf Shores.9. Have a picnic dinner in the backyard.  Easy peasy and something we need to do more often.  Although I am trying to sell our patio table and chairs...10. Watch the sunrise while drinking coffee.  Just because I want to...11. Drink a beer on the patio after the kids go to bed.  We have LOTS of bonfires with our neighbors, but I would love a night with just the 2 of us, a good beer, and no technology.  Those are my kind of date nights...12. Play backyard games with the neighbors.  I'm thinking cornhole, can jam, washers, etc.  We are planning our annual backyard 4th of July bash again, so this all can go down then.  I'm holding you to this, neighbors...13. Bake something new with MacKenna.  She loves to cook and bake with us and I've really gotten out of the habit of baking.  Plus, I have a Pinterest board FULL of things to bake and I just need to figure out something and make it!14. Make homemade ice cream.  I haven't made ice cream in a LONG time - like since before we moved.  Homemade is my favorite, even if it is just plain ol' vanilla.15. Grow something in the backyard.  I really want to grow some tomatoes this year and finally start a garden.  Again, it's really just getting myself to do it...16. Do something crafty.  I have my eyes on this old window that's been sitting in our garage for years and turning it into some sort of beautiful thing we can hang in our house.  We will see if I can pull that off...17. Learn something new.  It's on my bucket list to learn how to play the guitar, but I'm also hoping to learn some new marketing strategies to finally build my run coaching business.  Stay tuned...18. Pick strawberries.  Matt and I have been talking about doing this for years, and I think now the kids are at a good age to actually take them to do it.19. Plant flowers.  Again, something that I just need to get over my fear of killing and DO IT.  Our new sprinkler system will help me not kill them...20. Go to the zoo EARLY.  We love the zoo and are zoo members, so the zoo is always a given in the summer.  However, we always go when it's super packed and we are pissed about parking before we even make it inside.  We have vowed to go when it opens so that we can avoid the crowds and be home in time to put Miles down for a nap.I'm sure I could add more, but 20 is a good number.  Gives me about 2 a week to work on before going back to work in August.  We have lots of trips planned this summer, so we will certainly be busy.  But, I can't complain about having the summer off to spend with my family!