#rnrchi goals + #rockyourhealth with humana

Rock ‘n' Roll Chicago will be my first race postpartum – almost exactly 7 months after having Miles. Like I said Monday, training certainly has not gone how I had planned. Very few speed sessions, little to no strength training, and much slower paces than I had anticipated. I'm not where I was hoping I would be at this point, but I'm definitely not disappointed. I've put in the miles that I needed and feel prepared to run two good races and earn my 3 medals. Plus, I'm so excited to have a weekend away from the kids (this mama desperately needs a break) and spend some quality time with my hubby.

My goals all along have been to race the 5K and enjoy the half marathon, and those goals still haven't changed. I'm ready to be competitive again in the 5K, but in order to do that, I need a starting point. I have no goal time in mind for the 5K. The goal is to run a smart race and see where I'm at fitness-wise to prepare for the fall racing season. I know I am still far off from peak racing shape, but this will just get me one step closer to getting back to sub-20 5Ks.

Sunday's half marathon is all about having FUN! I've put in the miles and I'm prepared to run 13.1 miles. But, just like the 5K, I have no goal time in mind. I'm far from a PR and 13.1's are not exactly my distance anymore. They are just fun for me to go out and enjoy. And what a better race to enjoy and have FUN than in the streets of Chicago – the place where I ran my last marathon 5 years ago!


This year's Rock 'n' Roll Chicago is sponsored by Humana. Humana is all about promoting healthy living and they have a goal to improve the health of the communities they serve by 20% by the year 2020. RnR Chicago is just one way they are trying to achieve this goal, encouraging their own employees to lace up their running shoes and get out and be active!

Humana has a mindset very similar to my own for RnR Chicago: when you make being active and healthy FUN, it is much easier to #RockYourHealth! For me, training for RnR Chicago has been all about being active and health post-baby. I absolutely LOVE running, not only for the physical benefits, but the mental benefits as well. For me, running shouldn't be a chore - it should be fun! In order to #RockYourHealth, you have to find something you enjoy doing! While I'll be racing the 5K, the half marathon will be all about the enjoyment I get from being out and pounding the pavement.


Even though I plan on having the time of my life out on the course, I know it'll still be a tough race for me, especially that last mile. But, you can help make it easier for me and all the other runners out there by sending some motivational messages that will display ON THE COURSE from mile 12 to mile 13. Head on over to the Humana Vitality Cheer Squad to write out a message that will display on a giant Cheer Board that is synced with each runner's bib number to ensure we see them during the last mile. How freaking AWESOME is that?! I know I'll definitely need that extra boost at mile 12 and I know just getting there will help me through the race!

I seriously cannot wait for this weekend! I'm excited to see where I'm at fitness-wise to prepare for the fall, but I'm more excited to run the streets of Chicago again! Can't wait to #RockYourHealth this weekend!

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Humana.