How to fit OrangeTheory, CrossFit, and other group exercise classes into your running program

I feel like more + more of my friends are getting into the OrangeTheory craze.  And I get it… I used to teach a similar class when I was doing corporate wellness and I absolutely LOVED it!  Nothing like incorporating cardio + strength training into an intense 55-minute program to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and get an incredible workout in!The same thing happened to me when I fell in love with CrossFit 10 years ago.  I loved the intensity of the program. I loved being able to get a really hard workout in, in a really short amount of time.  I LOVED the competitive aspect of it - even if I was only competing against myself.However, as a runner, it gets difficult figuring out how to train for a race while still doing these workouts.  You don’t want to cut out these workouts because you love them and you feel like you get a lot out of them. But, you also have running goals and you KNOW you need to train a certain way to hit those goals.Well, I have GOOD NEWS for you!You CAN do BOTH and still achieve your running goals! 🙌In fact, I ENCOURAGE you to continue doing those fitness classes you love while you are training for a big goal race.  I am a BIG believer in health in general - I understand that not everyone is a runner. Some people just don’t love it the way I do (although, I don’t know how they couldn’t… 😜).  So, instead, I encourage people who was to exercise + live a healthy life to do something that they LOVE. I for one would HATE Zumba - I cannot dance for the life of me - but I get someone else finding pure joy by doing that.So, I don’t feel like you should give up something you love - and that you’re seeing results with - when you begin a training program for a half or full marathon.But, how do you do both?There are 3 main components when it comes to creating a quality training program for a half or full marathon:

  • Speed workouts
  • Long runs
  • Recovery

When I create a training program, those are the first 3 things I look at.  When can my athlete fit in their long run, when do they need a rest day (or days), and what days would be good for their speed workouts and/or tempo runs.  Those are the 3 things that I believe are the most important things in your training program if you want to achieve your goals (outside of nutrition, of course).When it comes to incorporating OrangeTheory, CrossFit, or other group exercise classes or programs, I treat them as supplemental workouts.  I am a BIG believer in HIIT workouts (high intensity interval training), which is was OrangeTheory + CrossFit are. In fact, my Elite Running Academy is designed to incorporate HIIT workouts WITH your running workouts.  I incorporate CrossFit-type workouts into my training programs 3-4 days per week and have seen a HUGE benefit in my running by doing them.With OrangeTheory, depending on the type of workout, you could substitute your class for one of your quality training sessions.  For example, if you have an OrangeTheory class scheduled on Tuesday but you have an interval workout of 200s + 400s on Wednesday, use your class as your quality workout and then do an easy run on Wednesday instead.The key is don’t OVERDO it.  While I LOVE the concept of OrangeTheory, if you are taking classes 3-4 times per week and running in addition to that, you are at a higher risk of getting injured.  You might have to sacrifice some of those classes to focus more on running at the time. But, make sure you are also getting in long runs + RECOVERY so that you don’t experience overtraining or injuries.So, keep doing what you love - especially when you are getting amazing results!  Just don’t forget that quality + rest are KEY when training for a big goal race!
