What’s REALLY holding you back...

As some of your (or most of you) may know, I’ve been working toward some really big goals in my life + business.  Kelli + I are really working on taking The Biz Runners to the next level.  We have been busy trying to scale our business and actually become a formal virtual assistant agency - and it’s truly been SUCH a blessing.  We are taking on some incredible new clients that we absolutely can’t wait to help, and we are launching The Biz Runners Academy to help educate women on what they need to start their online business as a virtual assistant.I’ve also been busy working on The Concrete Runner.  I just launched the Fast Fearless Females Community over on Facebook because I really wanted to align myself with women who were not afraid to work hard to achieve their goals and get out of the comfort zones in order to do it.  The community is all about women who want to run FASTER, but who also really just want to live fearlessly + with ambition.But, with starting Fast Fearless Females, I realized something…I’m totally a fraud.Sure, I have that fast thing going for me.  (I mean, really, I’ve been blessed with good genetics.)  But, I really haven’t been living fearlessly at all lately.Back in January, I was working toward a leadership rank in my network marketing company.  I knew that in order to do that, I would have to eliminate some distractions + push myself out of my comfort zone.  I took big risks, I did things that made me totally uncomfortable, and I ended up having my best month yet.And then came February.  And then March. And then April.  I started having people get into my head about things.  I started seeing more and more judgement of what I was doing.  I stopped taking risks. I thought I was getting uncomfortable, but I really wasn’t.  I was no longer letting myself be vulnerable + I ended up creating an upper limit for myself.I was no longer being fearless.  I was living in fear.Fear of what would happen next.  Fear of what people would think of me.  Fear that I wasn’t good enough to receive certain achievements.And I’ve been completely stuck.  I was no longer the fearless woman I thought I was.  Instead, I was too worried about what everyone else thought that I got scared.Here’s the lesson I want you to take away from this…If you’re not willing to be vulnerable, if you’re not willing to take risks, if you’re too scared of what’s going to happen next… you’re never going to get to where you want to go.It is all in YOUR MIND.  No one is creating those limits except for yourself.  And I’m not saying that it’s easy to get past those limits, because it certainly isn’t, believe me.  But, if you keep living in fear, if you keep holding yourself back, you’re going to stay where you are right now.  And I don’t know about you, but I’m not OK with that.As someone with big goals and ambitions, I know where I want to be, but I know I’m the only one who can make that happen.Stop living in fear and start taking the risks you need to achieve your goals.
