What to do when you’re stuck + overdue for a big win...

Have you ever felt like you just can’t get a win to save your life?  Like you’re stuck + been spinning your wheels over + over + over for weeks or months at a time?Well, that’s been me the last few months.  I’ve been stuck in a major rut and last month, everything pretty much came crashing down on me.  Stress got the best of me and everything all of a sudden felt like a trudge through mud. And everything felt about as clear as mud too.  Running was hard. Business was hard. My mind was just not in the game and I knew it.So, what do you do when you’re experiencing a setback or you’re overdue for a major win?It comes down to 2 things:

  1. What were you doing when things WERE going well?
  2. Go back to basics in the areas that aren’t working

This month is all about a total body reset… physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.  God made it pretty abundantly clear to me these past few weeks that I need to strip everything away and get a good reset.  I needed to reflect on everything that worked well for me in the past, and go back to basics on everything else.So, here is what I’m doing this month to start over + fresh and FINALLY get that win that I need...HEALTH + WELLNESSI am back to BASE when it comes to my running.  After having a really, REALLY horrible month in April with running, I was in desperate need of a break.  I was so stressed and it was really affecting my running. So, my coach and I decided to just stop. Take a break.  So, we are back to base training + building up my mileage. I had a full week of running whatever I wanted to, when I wanted to - and it was glorious!  Now, we are taking it a mile at a time, starting with 4 miles per day, then 5, and then eventually back to my daily 6 mile runs.[Sidenote:  I used to date a boy back in middle school who’s mom would run 6 miles a day and I thought she was CRAZY!  Ha! Now I’m that mom!]I’m also really honing in on my nutrition.  I’m a BIG stress eater and my stress has been super high lately.  I’ve been eating junk more than I care to admit and I KNOW it’s affecting my body.  So, I’m really focusing on getting high quality macronutrients into my body.I DO NOT count calories or macros, so I am focusing on building my meals around vegetarian sources of protein (I do eat fish, so A LOT of fish), lots of fiber (we won’t go into the details of why I NEED more fiber), a TON more greens, and healthy fats (which is never a problem for me).I am currently reading the book Body Love by Kelly Leveque and it’s blowing my MIND.  I understand nutrition pretty well (I have a background in it), but she has simplified it so well and it just makes sense!  I HIGHLY recommend listening to this podcast first and then if you want more info, definitely get the book.  I’m drinking my #Fab4Smoothie daily and it’s been SO good!BUSINESSOh, business.  Business has been sucking my soul lately.  Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE what I do! Nothing makes me happier than helping women uplevel their running, business, and LIFE!  I love helping women accomplish their goals, but when you aren’t seeing a lot of forward progress in business, it’s FRUSTRATING.This month, I am focusing on 2 things:  managing my tasks/time better + going back to basics.  Our team is currently doing the same thing and just started re-reading Sell or Be Sold by Grant Cardone (I’m listening to it in my car on my way to work).  I’m not even very far into it, but it was a great reminder of the things I was NOT doing that I had been doing when things were really moving.You MUST get uncomfortable.  You MUST actually try to SELL something.  You MUST stop listening to other people’s opinions of what you are doing.  I’m SO very thankful for my team and their commitment to helping us all find freedom + flexibility!  And all being focused on the basics to help build a successful business! (Oh, and we are all working toward a goal of earning at least $1,000 this month - if that sounds appealing to you, email me + let’s chat!)I’m also focusing a lot more time on MY TIME.  I am figuring out my time blocks that work + batching my business tasks better.  With a business that is ever changing, I’ve been distracted by too many other things.  So, time blocking + task batching really help me AVOID those distractions!My other commitments + goals this month include…

  • Writing the Word DAILY
  • Being more present with my kids (just in time for SUMMER!)
  • A date night with my hubby

So, if you’re feeling stuck in some aspect of your life right now, I encourage you to reflect on what has worked, go back to those basics, and set your goals for this month!  You are capable of SO many things - don’t get in your own way of accomplishing those goals!

What goals are you committed to this month?!