What I wish someone would have told me 2 years ago...

When I got into online business 2 years ago, I never intended it to be anything more than a side hustle. Well, 2 years + 3 businesses later, I’m beginning to finally embrace the fact that I’m an entrepreneur.However, 2 years ago, I would have never told you that online business was possible for me. I literally knew nothing about business, I’ve never taken a business class ever, not did I like sales, having been a personal trainer at a big box gym at one point in my career.But, I’ve learned A LOT in the past 2 years. And I truly wish someone would have told me these things before I got started... 

1. You will want to quit. Several times. Each month. Don’t.

 Running a business is really freaking HARD.  One of the hardest things I’ve ever done. There are so many ebbs + flows in business.  You will have months where you are on top of the world, and others where everything will just come crashing down on top of you.  It never fails, at least once a month, I want to throw in the towel.  I want to forget about all the work I’m putting in because it just doesn’t feel worth it anymore.I promise you, nothing good ever happens from giving up.  The path to success is not linear. There will be ups + downs, peaks + valleys.  Wanna find success? KEEP GOING. 

2. You don’t need to know anything about business. Google goes a looooong way. You might be surprised what you can learn from a quick Google search.

 I literally know NOTHING about business.  Or, I should say I KNEW nothing about business.  I still have yet to take a business class. Everything I have learned about business is because I went out and found out what I needed to do to make it work.  I didn’t know anything about technology either when I started doing backend tech work for business owners. But, I knew that I understood that stuff better and knew what to search for to find the answers and actually HELP people.You don’t need to know everything.  You just need to take the steps to get you to where you want to go. 

3. You will change directions. A lot. How you start might not be where you end up. Just remember WHY you are doing what you’re doing. That’s the thing that should always remain constant.

 I have a degree (3 degrees actually)  in Exercise Science, Physical Education, and Kinesiology.  Health + fitness is my passion. So, when I first got started in business, I knew I wanted to head that route.  And then I found out I don’t need anything special to be a running coach - I just needed to get started.I learned so much about business when I started my run coaching business that I fell IN LOVE with all things technology!  I know most people HATE tech and I love it, so it was an easy path for me to take and spin off my business as a way to help business owners.  I’m that person who will just do it myself if I need to, so this was an easy path for me.And because I took 2 different routes and have learned so much about business, I added on a source of residual income through my luxury haircare partnership.  One of the best decisions I’ve ever made that has gotten me |thismuch| closer to my goals.But, regardless of these twists and turns, ONE THING has remained the same:  WHY I’m doing this. I want more TIME. With my husband. With my kids. To help my clients.  To run. To be ME. I want to be able to put my daughter on the bus every morning. I want to not have to rely on family + friends to help us out because it’s hard for us to find subs.  THAT is my why, and regardless of where this crazy path of entrepreneurship takes me, THAT will never change. 

4. You will realize that you are capable of SO much more than you ever thought possible. Your reality is limitless. You CAN have the life of your dreams.

 The things that have happened in the past 2 years still leave me in awe.  I would venture to say I am a completely different person than I was back then.  I have more confidence. I’m taking more risks. I’m doing things I NEVER thought I’d be doing.But, it’s also the things that I KNOW I’m supposed to be doing.  I know I’ve been meant for MORE and I feel like I have finally found my calling.YOU are capable of all of this too, and I want you to know to NEVER give up on your goals! 

You’ve got this, girl!