What to do when you are between training programs...

You trained hard all winter and you finally finished your training with a great spring race!  WOOHOO! Congrats on all the hard work you’ve put in!But, what do you do NOW?!You’re not quite to the point to start training for any of your fall races yet, but you also don’t want to lose all the fitness you gained in your last training program.It can be tough to figure out what to do between training programs.  You know you want to take a break, but you’re nervous that break will ruin everything you just worked so hard for.Fear not!  You can have your cake + eat it too!  OK, bad analogy… but, there are some things that you absolutely NEED to do between your training programs to really get the most out of your training and lead you into a successful training program for your fall races.Here are the 2 things you NEED to do between your training programs:

  1. RECOVERY. There are very few runners I know that like the word “rest”.  The majority of us hear that word and freak out. But, you absolutely NEED some time off after your goal race.  Not just for a physical break from running, but for a mental break as well.

Have you ever gotten into the last month of your training plan and just felt completely burnt out?  This is most likely NOT physical burnout - this is MENTAL burnout. Training that hard for that long of a time will do that to any runner.So, you NEED some time off.  After your race, you need a FULL recovery.  This means at least 2 full days of ZERO ACTIVITY.  After that, it’s “run when you feel like it”. No plan, run what you want, when you want.  If you don’t feel like running, don’t! You should do this for at least 2 weeks and up to 4 post-race.This period should also involve a lot of rehab of any aches, pains, or injuries you experienced during training; preventative (“prehab”) exercises to prep you for your next training plan; strength + flexibility trainings; and cross training!  Number one goal is to maintain your fitness and by incorporating these training principles, you should be able to do that while still recovering from your race.

  1. MAINTENANCE. After you’ve spent some time recovering, let’s get freaking RUNNING again.  But, keep in mind, you’re NOT training yet. Between recovery + your next training plan, the focus should be on just maintaining your fitness + your mileage base.

First thing you will do is CUT BACK on your mileage.  If you were running 40 miles per week during your training, you’re going to cut that in half and gradually increase your weekly mileage each week until you are where you need to be when you hop into your next training program.Here’s an example from my personal program:I’m a 5K runner and during peak training, I’m typically running about 40-50 miles per week.  After a goal race + come recovery time, I’m going to back off on my mileage so I’m only running 20-25 miles per week.  Then, I will gradually increase my mileage each week until I’m running 40 miles per week just before my next training program begins.Week 1-2:M:  OFFT:  4 miles easyW:  4 miles easyTh:  4 miles easy or OFFF:  4 miles easyS:  4 miles easyS:  6 miles longTotal:  22-26 milesWeek 3-4:M:  OFFT:  5 miles easyW:  5 miles easyTh:  5 miles easy or OFFF:  5 miles easyS:  5 miles easyS:  8 miles longTotal:  28-33 milesWeek 5-6:M:  OFFT:  6 miles easyW:  6 miles easyTh:  6 miles easy or OFFF:  6 miles easyS:  6 miles easyS:  10 miles longTotal:  34-40 miles(Note:  Please keep in mind this is what works for me.  Should you take what is on this page and apply it to your own training, you do so at your own risk.  Listen to your body and know what you are capable of. This is strictly just an example for general information.)Notice how there is ZERO speed workouts.  Every single run is an easy run, because this is about MAINTENANCE.  Once we get into actual training, my speed work will ramp up to prepare me for faster running + races.So, be sure you are recovering well and then maintaining your mileage before you are back into training!And if you’re wanting a little more guidance, you will want in on the Elite Running Academy!  I will be including 3 different levels that will help you jump start your training (after some recovery time, of course) for your first 5K, a fast 5K or 10K, or a new half marathon PR!  Get early access to the program - it begins June 25th! ---> https://theconcreterunner.lpages.co/elite-running-academy-live/Or get the self-led version for only $47! ---> https://theconcreterunner.lpages.co/elite-run-academy/
