october miles

the-concrete-runner-monthly-milesFastest. Month. Ever.  Also, probably the busiest month ever too.  I feel like I haven't really had the time to sit down and breathe until this past weekend.  Our weekdays and weekends have been very much GO-GO-GO, but thankfully I had a day off on Friday and was able to spend the entire day without a to-do list.  I took the kids to a local farm by myself, which is actually a big deal for me.  I typically have some anxiety about taking the kids by myself without a stroller or cart and no one else with me to help me out.  But, we had an absolute BLAST!  Plus, it was just nice to not have to worry about anything for the day.  I didn't have to clean the house, do any planning or work, and could actually cuddle with MacKenna during rest time and TAKE A NAP!  It was a glorious, much needed day for sure!Today also marks my last day of recovery.  I'm kind of excited to start training for something different other than a half marathon.  While, I actually did enjoy training for a few half marathons this year, it's going to be really nice to not worry about distance so much and get to focus on some shorter, speedier runs - especially once it decides to start getting colder outside.  (I'm about done with these summer temps in the fall.  I just want to wear sweaters and scarves, pretty please?!)  I have lots of shorter races planned in the next few months - 2 in November, 3 (?) in December, 2 in January, and 1 in February.  I might just have to start thinking about March, April, and May soon and decide what my goal race should be for the spring.  I'm thinking maybe a 10K or 10-miler - something different than what I've been running lately.  But, I really just want to see some of my times drop in the next few months before I start adding more distance.

Total October Miles107.71 miles

Year-to-Date1025.81 miles

Races Completed in October2

PRs Set in October1 (1:34:58 - half marathon)

Races Year-to-Date12


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