littles + loves // october 2016
It doesn't get much better than October. While it is by far the busiest month of the year for us, it is definitely my favorite. Our coaching seasons are wrapping up (actually, we are both officially done with XC for the year), several birthdays to celebrate, and it's sweater and bonfire weather. Seriously, it doesn't get much better!Here's what I've been loving this October:// littles //Usually, I start with Miles, but let's talk about the little lady of the month... MacKenna is officially FIVE! It's crazy to think that my blog is older than she is, but it's also crazy to think we have a 5 year old! Five years have FLOWN by! And so far, I am LOVING having a 5 year old. Mostly because we feel like we can now tell her that a 5 year old does a LOT of things on her own and she just goes with it. She's staying in bed better, cleaning up after herself without complaint, is more polite and more loving... and we're just 2 weeks in to her being five. Hopefully I don't eat my words in another week, but I definitely feel like we've turned a corner and she's starting to mature a little bit more. And we are getting great reports from her teacher at school and from the extended care workers on just how sweet she is! We are very lucky to have such a wonderful, sweet little girl!
Unfortunately, it looks like she will be having another eye surgery in the next few weeks/months. Nothing as serious as the first one, way back in 2012/2013. Her vision is PERFECT and her eyes look great, but she still has some tracking issues with her left eye. Because we do not have to worry as much about her losing vision anymore than when she was younger, we have decided to have the surgery to fix her alignment in her left eye. This is more of a cosmetic surgery than anything, but she can't really describe to us what happens when her eye doesn't track correctly. Most likely sooner than later too, but fairly easy surgery and a quick recovery, thank goodness.And in just 2 short months, we will also have a TWO year old! AH! How is he already going to be TWO?! He's also at a super fun stage of life - he repeats pretty much anything we tell him to. We don't always understand him, but he can tell us exactly what he does or doesn't want. And he's the BEST sleeper in the house. He's too busy to cuddle now, so when he just wants to lay down or sit with us, I take full advantage to cuddle up with him. He absolutely LOVES trains - we are going to a birthday party at the train station in Washington, Missouri tomorrow and I am so excited to see his reaction! I need to make sure to bring my good camera so I can get some good pictures for his choochoo birthday invitations!
// loves //I was going to write about how much I am loving my business mentor right now (if you really want to learn how to start your own run coaching business, I HIGHLY recommend Coach Jasmin!), but I figured pumpkin season is almost over, so why not flood the rest of the post with ALL of the pumpkin foods I have been eating. Oh, and if you really want to know what the best pumpkin beer we've had so far has been, it's been Ferguson (yes, THAT Ferguson) Brewing's Pumpkin Ale... OMG, SO GOOD! But, you have to come visit me in St. Louis to try it...Anyway, here are all the best + newest things that I have tried this year! This is definitely NOT everything I have purchase and/or consumed that is pumpkin flavored. But, definitely some of my FAVORITE things I've eaten/drank this season. Ugh, why can't it just be October all year long?!
Anyone else obsessed with all things PUMPKIN?! My two favorite flavors are definitely pumpkin and coffee. Best yet, things that are pumpkin coffee flavored... YUM!