faster running in 5 days

While you all know that I have been training for half marathons all year, there has been A LOT more to the reasoning behind my training, besides just wanting to PR.  I have been training myself in order to determine what the best combination of running, strength, and nutrition workouts are in order to set a PR.  Although it took my 10 months and 3 races to do it, I also had to do A LOT of tweaking to my programs in order to figure out what would work best to lead me to faster running without having to put in lots of mileage (think, less than 30 miles per week most weeks).Finally, after last months race, I feel like I really have determined what can help other runners achieving their training + racing goals with the right combination of these 3 things.  Not only that, but I tested out some fueling strategies to see what runners really needed during a half marathon.  I'm feeling more confident than ever with the running and I'm ready to pass along my strategies to other runners who have the goal of becoming faster without having to sacrifice time away from their family.Starting Monday, November 14th, I will be hosting a FREE 5-Day Running Academy that will teach you these strategies to becoming a faster runner.  In this  5-Day Running Academy, you will…

  • Receive DAILY running and strength workouts you can do from home
  • Receive DAILY motivation and support in our online running community
  • Learn the 5-day nutrition program that has helped me take 30+ seconds off my PR
  • And so much more!

Interested in learning more or joining this FREE training?!  Sign-up TODAY and invite your running buddy to join us!  facebook-ad-free-running-academy